Chapter Forty-Seven

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Seraphina storms into Nathanial's teaching room, despite the fact he currently has a student.

"Seraphina, what are-" he pauses for a second then his eyes widen as he spots Alaric behind her and the general.

"Get out," he orders. The student stands and rushes out of the room, not needing to be told twice.

"You should have seen it Nathanial," the general chuckles, grabbing Seraphina tightly and giving her an excited shake. "Seraphina just made herself a force to be reckoned with. She stood up to Fay. You should have seen that brat's face." The general pauses and then turns to Alaric, a sarcastic smile on his face. "No offence."

"None taken," Alaric replies dryly.

"Excellent," Nathanial grins.

Seraphina huffs and shrugs the general off, wanting to get everything off her chest before her adrenaline wears off.

"Let down your mental shields," she orders harshly.

"Excuse me?" Nathanial asks, raising an eyebrow.

Seraphina shoots him a harsh glare. "Unless you want this whole school to hear the sensitive information I am about to scream to you, I suggest you lower your mental shields so I can communicate with you all in a more private way."

A look passes between the general and Nathanial. Alaric leans against the wall, crossing his arms.

"If you are as powerful as I have been told, you should be able to disarm our mental shields," he says.

Seraphina turns on her heels and glares at him. "When I want your opinion, I'll ask for it." 

He lets out a small laugh and shakes his head.

"Seraphina, that is not how you should be speaking to-"

The look Seraphina gives the general has him pausing and smiling widely.

"I like this new side of you," he says. 

"Are you going to do as I ask, or not?" she asks, not caring for the compliment.

"Very well," Nathanial sighs. "Why are you here, anyway?"

He looks at Alaric, who just smirks arrogantly.

"To see what she was really like without you two hovering around her and preparing her for my visit." 

"Hmmm," Nathanial hums, then turns to Seraphina. "Okay, everyone's shields are down. Say what you want to say."

Seraphina takes in a deep breath and closes her eyes. Then she pushes into all three of their minds. Met with no resistance, it is surprisingly easy.

The discussions about my future 'marriage' with Alaric stop. Now.

Seraphina, we have spoken about this, Nathanial replies, sounding exasperated.

And the conversation is over!

All three of them jump as she screams in her mind. 

I will not be groomed into some perfect, pristine, voiceless woman just to please this arsehole. I am not a mare you can pretty up ready for action. I will not let the two of you make strange deals with strange men, speak on my behalf, or make decisions about my future any more.

Seraphina, the general sighs in her mind, that isn't what we are doing. We are trying to secure you the best, safest future. Not only for just yourself but for the whole of Narenna.

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