Chapter Twenty-Five

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The shadow disappeared as soon as Seraphina blinked. She convinced herself she was seeing things, but that didn't stop her from tossing and turning restlessly through the night.

When there is a loud hammering at the door in the morning, Seraphina wakes with a panicked gasp. The other girls groan and sit up slowly. Nysa glares at the door.

Seraphina stands and reluctantly answers it. Juliet bursts into the room, a wide, joyful smile on her face.

"Wake up, ladies. It's the seventh day which means time for the seventh service."

That makes everyone groan. Juliet laughs.

"It's not that bad, I promise. But get dressed. We've got to be there in an hour."

"Okay," Seraphina sighs. Juliet smiles at her, and Seraphina's heart flutters. She feels heat burn in her cheeks and she turns around quickly so Juliet doesn't see her blushing.

"Before I go, I have some gifts for you," she says. Seraphina sits back down on her bed as Juliet opens a leathery bag.  She throws each of them a leather pouch.

Seraphina frowns as she opens it. Inside are what must be about twenty glass vials, full of a clear liquid.

"What is it?" Cora asks, frowning.

"This is to stop you from getting pregnant," Juliet tells them, making all the girls freeze. Juliet chuckles. "Drink one vial every day for one week. Then, after that, you only need to drink one a week, though make sure it is on a strict schedule. Don't go more than seven days without taking a dose."

"Why do we need this?" Ari asks. Juliet sighs and sits down on the end of Seraphina's bed.

"First," she begins, "and most importantly. Getting pregnant means instant expulsion."

"This is going to be a fun lesson," Nysa says sarcastically, putting the pouch away. Juliet chuckles and continues explaining.

"My suggestion is that you start today. It takes a week for you to be protected and the semester begins in a week so it's best to be ready for when all the students arrive. I really must stress that you are strict and consistent with taking it. If you aren't, then it won't be as effective. You can get more from the medical centre, for free, when you run out."

Cora shakes her head, frowning. Seraphina shuffles awkwardly folding up the pouch and putting it down. The thought of being intimate with anyone sends both bolts of fear and excitement rushing through her body.

"Why the rush?" Cora asks.

"Okay," Juliette smiles, "it is time for lesson number one. Relationships at Amber Cove Academy. Well, relationships in general." She pauses and looks around at each of the girls. 

Seraphina's blush returns and she gulps, her mouth going dry with discomfort. Cora sits on the end of her bed, intrigued. Nysa lies back down, shutting her eyes, her expression bored. Ari is going as pink as Seraphina.

Juliet starts talking casually, not highlighting any of their embarrassment, much to Seraphina's relief.

"Ethereals don't marry for love. Well, rarely. Marriage is a contract between male and female to unite families and assets and to create children to pass down your magic. Marry right, and you can be set for life. Powerful Ethereal men will be looking for less powerful ethereal women to have children with so they can pass down their magic. Same with very magically powerful Ethereal women looking for less powerful men. You see, the dominant, more powerful magical ability is what is inherited by children. So, the most magically powerful families always marry those who aren't as powerful as them. Dynasty families also marry to less power because they want to keep the magic running through their name."

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