Chapter Thirty-Nine

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"Do you have any idea who that was?" Orion asks Seraphina as they gather in the training hall.

"Just about," Seraphina mutters, still confused.

"That was Alaric Radomir, the Second in command to the Basilisk Riders!" he shouts, then winces as Nysa shoots him a warning glare.

"Okay, and?" Nysa naps, crossing her arms.

"He's one of the most powerful men in Narenna," Orion says.

"He's an asshole," Seraphina mutters, then shudders as she remembers that day in the woods and the way it felt like his vicious basilisk's acidic breath was melting her skin straight off her bones. The image makes her stomach churn.

"Why was he even here?" the voice comes from Sophia.

"It looks like he, Master Roark, and the general were brokering some sort of deal," Orion says, narrowing his eyes at Seraphina.

"That is enough gossiping about the general's business," a soft voice says, her voice amused. They all spin on their heels to face Juliet.

A delicate smile graces her lips, and, as usual, she looks like perfection. Seraphina's heart flutters and she feels heat build in her cheeks.

"Sorry," Orion murmurs, looking to the ground. Juliet laughs, the sound like music.

"It's fine, Orion," she says, "but I'm here to inform you all that the next stage of the testing process is about to begin. Please, head to the battle room for your strategy tests."

"Will you be watching?" Seraphina asks, her voice quiet.

"I will, yes," Juliet says. "I didn't watch the combat tests this morning as I could not miss classes. I will, however, be attending for the rest of the day and be helping make the final decision with ranks."

Seraphina's eyes widen. 

"Oh shit," Orion mutters.

"Don't worry, I won't be too harsh," she says with a wink in Seraphina's direction. Seraphina gulps and looks away again, feeling her cheeks grow red. Juliet laughs again.

"Good luck to you all. I'm sure you will all be magnificent."

"Thank you," they reply and then Juliet is on her way. Seraphina lets out a shallow, shaky breath as she leaves, though she does get a whiff of Juliet's floral perfume. She smells amazing.

Nysa turns to Seraphina and laughs. Seraphina rolls her eyes and gives Nysa a small shove.

"Not obvious at all, Seraphina," Sophia says jokingly.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Seraphina says quickly, then barges past them all to make her way to the next tests.


The rest of the day passes surprisingly fast. Seraphina does well in the strategy tests. The final test of the day is the obstacle course, which Seraphina excels at after years of climbing and running through the canopy of the trees in the forest.

By the time they have all assembled to hear the results of a day of testing, the sun has set. Seraphina waits in the training grounds, her stomach fluttering with nerves. She hadn't realised just how much she wanted a rank. The thought of not receiving one sends bolts of disappointment surging through her.

Seraphina looks around her, seeing if she can spot Nysa in the other section. They all stand in squares, separated by their classes. Being in the top class, Nysa is in Amber One. Seraphina, in the middle section being in Amber Two, can't see any sign of Nysa amongst the lined-up students.

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