Chapter Fifty-Six

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The next few days pass without any sort of problem. Seraphina doesn't see or hear anything out of the ordinary. That doesn't stop the lingering sense of dread from pooling in the pits of her stomach.

"Are you okay?" Juliet asks as they eat lunch together.

"Yeah," Seraphina replies, her voice distant. Tiredness makes her eyes heavy and she yawns. Fears of being plunged back into The Cursed don't exactly make getting to sleep an easy task.

"Nathanial has just been working me extra hard," she says. It's not exactly a lie. Nathanial has been pushing her more and more, working mostly on her mental shields. Still. Every time she's asked to work on using her powers, he's shut her down. Stating that: "Until you can properly keep me and other Ethereals out, there will be no further exploration of your powers. You have secrets which must remain hidden. Your life depends on it. Being able to shield your mind fully is the most important part of your training."

Seraphina rubs at her temples, a dull ache forming behind her eyes. She wants to shout at Nathanial in frustration, telling him that she wants to learn more about what she can do. But deep down, she knows he is right. So, hour after hour he slams into her mind with his powers and she fails to keep him out. Over and over again.

"Well, we're coming to the end of the first semester. You'll be having exams soon and I'm sure every tutor wants you to do the best you can."

Seraphina groans. She'd forgotten about all her tests. Juliet laughs and passes her over a small cake. Seraphina smiles and takes it from her, her mouth salivating at all the chocolate and icing.

"Just four more weeks and then we have winter break," Juliet sighs. "Though I'm going to have to study all through mine."

"That's horrible," Seraphina says. Juliet hums in agreement.

"It is what it is," she sighs. "You've got to put in the work to succeed."

Seraphina nods. Juliet smiles at her and lifts her hand. Seraphina still as Juliet's soft fingers wipe away some of the chocolate on her chin.

"You missed a spot," she says with a wink.

Seraphina laughs despite the growing heat building in her cheeks. Juliet laughs with her.

"Was that cringy?" Juliet asks.

"A little," Seraphina replies, still giggling.

"That's so embarrassing," Juliet says, burying her head in her hands. 

"It's nice to see you being the flustered one instead of me," Seraphina jokes. 

Juliet slaps her playfully. "Forget that ever happened," Juliet orders. 

"Never," Seraphina replies. Juliet pouts playfully and Seraphina laughs some more, her stomach hurting. Juliet tries not to smile, but she breaks, laughing alongside Seraphina. 

As Seraphina laughs, she momentarily forgets about all her worries. Her headache dissipates and she just enjoys her time sitting with Juliet under the tree, talking about normal things. No dark magic or evil forests. Just two young women enjoying their time together. 

Too soon, lunch is over and both girls are heading their separate ways to their classes. Seraphina barely makes it to hers in time. Something Fay picks up on immediately.

Seraphina groans as she sees her and her headache returns in full force.

"Seraphina, nice of you to join us. If you're to move up to the next level combat class as has been suggested, you really should work on your timekeeping skills." Her voice is laced with sarcasm and it makes Seraphina clench her fists tightly.

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