Chapter Twenty-Three

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Amber Cove Academy.

Seraphina wasn't sure what she was expecting in all the years of imagining it, but it certainly wasn't this. Her throat dries as she gazes out of the window of the train, which moves slowly so that they can all get a proper look.

They had spent the last hour travelling alongside the coast. It is the first time she has ever seen the ocean and for the whole hour, Seraphina has been staring out at the deep blue water in an awe-struck trance.

Now, they can see the Academy. The cliffs curve inward, making a huge cove that must span miles upon miles. From this cove, three huge bridges come out of the large tunnels midway up the cliff faces. The outer ones are gradually angled so they meet up with the middle one at the front of a huge island. These bridges are white stone with great archways that rise from the crashing ocean beneath them.

Seraphina would be in awe just at them if she weren't enchanted with the island. It consists of three huge mountains. Nestled between these mountains is a giant building. Before Seraphina can take in the building, they are surrounded by darkness as they enter a tunnel.

Beside her, Nysa bites nervously at her lips. Seraphina's own heart races and her stomach flutters. Nysa clasps Seraphina's hand in her own and gives it a squeeze. They meet each other's eyes and smile reassuringly.

The others chat nervously in hushed whispers. Seraphina's mouth is dry and she isn't sure she could form the words even if she wanted to.

After nearly fifteen minutes, light begins to filter through, and they are popping out of the tunnel. It takes a few moments for Seraphina's eyes to adjust but when they do, she is gasping. They are on the middle bridge.

Seraphina looks around with wide eyes, in awe of the bridge's architecture alone. It is pristine and perfect. The tracks run along the middle. Beside the tracks are long rows of neat green grass as well as crips white paths. Sat equidistant apart are tall black streetlamps and the occasional bench and wooden pot full of colourful plants.

Seraphina opens the window and looks out back at the cliff. Her eyes widen as she realises why Amber Cove has the name it does. Streaks of gleaming, deep-coloured amber stone cuts through the rock like huge, sparkling veins.

"Woah," she gulps, her breath hitching.

"Quite something, isn't it?" The general says beside her. Seraphina nods her head. She turns and faces the island. The three giant mountains loom over her. The way they sit, like a semi-circle, creates a large bowl in the middle of them.

That is where the spectacular academy building sits. It is a mass of archways, windows, towers, spires and interlocking different-shaped buildings. Seraphina gulps as the building seems to cast a dark shadow over the train as they approach.

Slowly, the train comes to a squeaking stop. Beside her, Nysa is silent and she stares ahead, unblinking. Seraphina clasps her hands into tight fists to try and keep them from trembling.

The tutors and other champions step out ahead of them. For a moment, Seraphina contemplates just sitting back down and refusing to get off. Before she can properly think about her plan, she and Nysa are stepping off the train.

The breeze flutters through Seraphina's hair. The salty, ocean scent is carried through the air mixed with the earthy scents of all the trees and flowers that make up the gardens around them. The bridges all connect onto this one large platform. The platform sits in the middle of beautiful, yet grand gardens that make up the spectacular entrance.

Seraphina gazes around at the hedgerows that are cut into precise, long cubes. In perfect square patches, vibrant flowers flutter gently. Scattered around the rest of the gardens are trees. Some are older than others. In one area sits a huge oak tree with a large bench built around it. The trunk is thick and its branches twist and rise high up into the sky. Hanging from one branch is a swing. Marble water fountains also sit nestled around gravel paths and surrounded by patches of flowers. In the distance, she can hear the ocean crashing against the cliffs. In fact, she swears that some of the paths must lead down to a beach of some sort.

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