Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Levana grins, her smile sadistic. She snaps forward, taunting Seraphina and laughing. Seraphina flinches. Except, this time, it isn't an involuntary response.

Seeing the arrogance in Levana's expression and actions, Seraphina quickly realises that it is a weakness in her opponent. So, with every taunting lunge at Seraphina, she makes sure to tremble and flinch. Levana revels in her teasing. She jumps for Seraphina, making it look like she's about to attack, then backs off. Each time Seraphina whimpers and jumps back, Levana's smile grows wider and more sadistic.

Around her, the others watching boo at Seraphina's terrified performance.

"Pathetic!" someone shouts.

"Stop teasing it and get it over with already!"

Seraphina recognises Fay's voice instantly. Just hearing it sends a chill up her spine, but she pushes all thoughts of Fay from her mind and focuses on Levana, who is outright laughing at her from the other side of the ring.

Seraphina makes her lips tremble and her eyes water. She raises her fists pathetically, allowing them to shake ever so slightly.

Levana rolls her eyes at her. Seraphina tries not to smile.

Today, her timidness, her fearfulness, the very things Nathanial says are her biggest weaknesses, will become her most effective weapons.

She sees the exact moment in Levana's eyes when the woman has stopped playing. Her expression darkness, her smile becoming cold, calculated. 

"You don't belong here, Stain. I'm about to show you just how much so. This is all about to be over very fast."

Seraphihna gulps and squares her shoulders, making an effort to move her body awkwardly and nervously.

Levana charges.

Seraphina's mind becomes completely clear.

Levana is right. This is going to be over fast.

Levana doesn't bother trying. She doesn't think she needs to. Her attack isn't fast. Seraphina dodges the kick with ease, stumbling back awkwardly. Levana laughs and attacks again. They aren't proper strikes. Levana is still playing with her. This time with her fist. Seraphina dodges enough so it won't slam into her chest, but not enough that it doesn't catch her upper arm.

She winces and Lavana laughs some more, the sound cruel. Seraphina allows her one last messy blow. This jab she blocks easily, ignoring the pain in her arm. 

Laughing, Levana steps back. Seraphina attacks. She goes in with her left hand, exaggerating and slowing the movement slightly, aiming for just over Levana's head. Levana swings her right arm up, blocking Seraphina's punch with ease and opening her right side completely. Before Levana has a chance to register what's happening, Seraphina swings her leg up with as much speed and power as she can muster. Her lower shin slams the upper right-hand side of Levana's abdomen.

Levana's eyes widen in horror and a horrific cry leaves her mouth as her body almost folds in half before she crumples to the ground, curling into a fetal position. Seraphina steps away calmly as the referee appears, already calling for healers. Levana lets out pained whines, her body trembling in pain.

The audience is silent in shock. Seraphina straightens calmly, all traces of fear and nervousness gone. She bites at the inside of her cheek to keep herself from smirking as she stares out at the stunned faces.

"Seraphina wins!" the Lieutenant Colonel shouts and Seraphina turns and walks out of the ring. Nysa is grinning as she approaches. 

"That was fucking brutal," Orion says, laughing.

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