Chapter Twenty-Four

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Seraphina's head spins as they spend the next three hours walking around the Academy. Calla was right, it is spectacular. Every classroom is perfect, clean and light. Ari is visibly excited when they look around the dance and music studios. They are all in awe at the huge theatre with all its grand and golden splendour. 

Dreven perks up at the science labs. Seraphina has hardly any idea of what the equipment in it is and it is far beyond anything she has seen before. What excites her the most are the training grounds. Not only is there a huge outdoor arena with an enormous obstacle course, but there are also a few indoor gymnasiums full of different equipment and markings for sports. Whilst in the outdoor arena, Peter points out various narrow paths that lead up into the mountains and explains they will often go running up and down the great hills during training.

The main room Seraphina is in awe over, however, is the ballroom. It is enormous. Its cream marble floors have crackling streaks of gold and are so smooth that they reflect the rest of the room. The towering walls are cream in colour with intricate golden fittings. Giant windows span from floor to ceiling and draped around them are dark purple velvet curtains. Huge staircases lead up to different levels and balconies on the outside of the room. 

The ceiling is made up of more golden curled fittings and between them, scenes of beautiful men and women have been painted. All of them look elegant and perfect and are surrounded by light and flowers. Huge chandeliers of gold and diamond hang from the ceiling, sitting equidistant apart. Right at the end, marble stairs lead up to a large podium. On the wall is a giant, golden-framed mirror. Seraphina's eyes are drawn to its beauty.

Slowly, she walks up the stairs toward it. She stares at her reflection and the reflection of the giant ballroom behind her. She gulps, her throat drying. Around her, the noise fades. Her eyes narrow and she looks beyond her reflection. The world blurs around her, going dark. Whispers begin to hum in the back of her mind. She frowns, swearing she can see a faint, blurred figure.

A hand touches her shoulder, making her jump. Quickly, Seraphina turns to see Nysa.

"Are you okay?" Nysa asks. Seraphina clears her throat and then takes a deep breath to calm her racing heart.

"Yeah," she says, her voice breaking. "Yes," she says again, her voice stronger this time. Nysa frowns but doesn't say anything. Instead, she takes Seraphina's arm and drags her back into the middle of the room.

Seraphina's eyes fall on Juliet who smiles softly at her. Seraphina blushes and smiles back.

"So," Juliet begins, "apart from your accommodation, this concludes our tour."

Peter nods his head beside her and then speaks. "For the next three days, we practically have this place to ourselves apart from all the tutors who are slowly making their way here."

"Then, in four days, the first-year Ethereals will be arriving so they can get settled and learn how to navigate this place before the semester begins, which is in a week."

The thought of the whole Academy being full and busy with Ethereal students has Seraphina's stomach churning nervously. Beside her, Nysa's fists clench and the others take in little nervous breaths.

"Don't worry," Juliet assures them with a warm smile. "You'll pick it up quickly. Plus, if you have any questions, then you can come to us or the prefects."

Seraphina hadn't noticed that some other students had entered the room. In total, there are five males and five females. They wear the same uniform as Juliet, but their ties and coats are dark purple instead. Juliet continues. "We are here to help you and to mentor you. If you need anything, then don't hesitate to come to us."

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