Chapter Sixteen

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Seraphina and the general are silent as they return to their spot and wait for the final interviews to be conducted. She pays no attention to anything, her mind full of shock, and questions about her father. Father. It feels odd to her even to think that. His face fills her mind, and she can't help but smile.

She's found her father, finally.

A long sigh leaves her mouth. She gets the impression that it isn't going to be so easy being his daughter. As fear pangs through her, Seraphina bites nervously at her lips.

This really is a strange and dangerous world she is about to enter.

The general nudges her as the judges all stand except the Lord Commander. The audience silences as Zenaxis slithers down into the arena. She sees her father climbing up onto the basilisk's back.

Her father is a tiny dot on Zenaxis, she is so huge. She turns and starts moving out of the Colosseum. The air shifts, growing heavy. Seraphina feels her lungs and chest tighten like a weight is pushing against her.

Suddenly, Zenaxis launches into the air. Seraphina jumps back as a strong surge of wind rushes through the Colosseum, making her hair flutter wildly around her. Her mouth drops open with shock at how fast Zenaxis moves, the basilisk hurtling up into the sky. In a matter of seconds, she is thousands of feet off the ground before she disappears into the clouds.

Seraphina leans closer to the general. "Where is he going?" she asks, her heart sinking as she loses sight of her father.

"The Lord Commander never watches the next bit. He disapproves."

"Oh," Seraphina replies, and before she can say anything else, Cammus's voice booms across the arena.

"It is time to announce this year's victorious Stains!"

The crowd erupts into excited cheers now that the awe of Zenaxis has worn off.

"In my hands, I have the list of victors and let me tell you, our wise leaders have chosen extremely well. So, shall I begin?"

His question is met with an even louder roar than before. Seraphina's throat dries and she clenches her fists tightly. She looks around at the other Stains. They are pale, their expressions scared. She watches as they shift uncomfortably, their eyes watering with tears. She gulps and looks away, trying not to think about what's going to happen to the Stains who don't get in.

"Our first victor is..." he pauses and the arena becomes deathly silent as everyone collectively holds their breath.

"Nysalanai!" he finally shouts, making Seraphina jump.

The crowd erupts and Seraphina watches Nysalanai and Nathanial make their way toward the stairs. Beside her, the general chuckles.

"Of course," he says, nodding his head.

Seraphina hums in agreement. There was no way Nysalanai wasn't going to get in, not that she doesn't deserve her spot, because she does.

They come to a stop on the podium, standing in front of the judges.

"On to our next victor..."

Seraphina curses Cammus for his pause. Sweat dribbles down her temple and clings to her palms as she waits. To make it worse, she knows she's getting in. She can't imagine how those who have no idea of their fate are feeling at the moment.

"With an almost perfect score in Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry, our academic champion is Dreven!"

Seraphina scans the Stains, looking for Dreven. She spots him walking with an older tutor who slaps his back in celebration. The audience cheers, but it isn't as loud as it was for Nysalanai, which is understandable as they haven't physically seen a performance from him. 

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