Chapter Ten

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She is shaken awake by Alana.

Seraphina stretches her aching body. Four days spent either walking or lying in the cart has not been kind to her body.

"We're nearly there," Alana tells her as Seraphina rubs her eyes. "Have a look."

Seraphina sits up. It takes a few moments for her eyes to adjust, but when they do, she gasps. They are atop a large hill. She can see the road curl down into flat plains that span as far as her eyes can see. The grass is slightly dried and brown. In the distance are jagged mountains. She can see the snow on their peaks even from here.

What really blows her mind, is the huge, lone structure. The building is oval in shape. Made from smooth greyish-white stone. Its architecture is spectacular. With towering archways and giant pillars, she can only imagine how incredible it must look up close. Each feature is symmetrical.

Deep purple and gold flags hang at equidistant parts around it. At what must be the head of the Colosseum, at the tip of the oval shape, is a huge white stone feature that rises into the sky. The grand pillars of it are topped with elegant curling stone. The shape of it reminds her of a throne. A throne for a giant.

Off the left-hand side, a long rectangular building of a similar design protrudes from the Colosseum. It has a glass roof, locked into place by intricate metal frames. Coming from inside the building are two parallel strips of metal, embedded into the ground. They are huge and gleaming in the sun. Seraphina wonders what they are and frowns, noticing that they go on for miles, disappearing into the horizon.

"Oh shit..." Alana says.

"What?" Seraphina asks.

"Looks like the Lord Commander himself is here to watch," the general says. That is when Seraphina notices the end of a giant tail curling around the bottom of The Colosseum.

The sun reflects brightly off the basilisk's white scales. The rest of the beast is hidden behind the other side of the structure. She gasps as she sees its head pop over the top, near the end with the throne-like structure. It curls down into the arena, its thick body slithering slowly over the stone.

"Fuck," she whispers, looking at the sheer size of the thing.

"Yeah, it's a monster," the general says as they start descending the hill. "And you're going to meet its master today."

Seraphina's stomach lurches and the colour leaves her face.

"You'll be fine," Alana assures her.

"Is it normal for the Lord Commander of The Order to be here?" Seraphina asks.

"He pops in every few years," General Keller says. "More out of obligation. He spends the whole time looking bored."

"And who else will be there?" she asks, her voice coming out slightly squeaked.

"Some of the Masters and Overlords, as you already know. There may also be a prince or princess. Plus, the whole arena will be full of Ethereals; many of whom will be nobility or dynasty families of some sort."

Seraphina's head spins.

"Don't worry, no students or soon-to-be students of Amber Cover will be there. You will not be being watched or judged by your peers. You'll be fine," he assures her.

"If you say so," she gulps, then shudders as she spots the snake moving again. It curls back out of The Colosseum and out of sight. Well almost. Its tail still curls around half the building. Seraphina closes her eyes and thinks of her woods. Images of her trees and Calla fills her mind, making her calm ever so slightly.

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