Chapter Forty-Five

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"It's a shame you missed out on that beach party the other week," Nysa says as Juliette approaches.

"I know," Seraphina sighs, her heart fluttering as Juliet stops in front of them.

"Nysa, Seraphina," she says warmly.

"Hello, Juliet," Nysa says politely. Seraphina smiles, already feeling her cheeks growing warm.

"How are you both doing? I've heard from all your tutors that you are both excelling in your classes."

"It's hard," Seraphina says, "but I feel like I'm improving."

"You are definitely improving, Seraphina. You're both fine students and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. That being said, you need to make time for some sort of social life. I missed you at the party," Juliet tells her, looking directly into Seraphina's eyes.

Seraphina gulps, her heart racing. She smiles shyly.

"Nathanial made us do extra training," Nysa grumbles.

"Well, next time, go to the party," Juliet chuckles.

"Are you telling us to ignore our tutor?" Nysa asks.

"Studying is important," Juliet begins, "but having breaks are also important. Spending time with friends and making new ones is all a part of the academy life. Don't let Nathanial take that from you in his quest to mould you into his perfect pupil."

Seraphina's eyes widen slightly and Nysa smirks, nodding her head.

"Noted," she grins.

"Good," Juliet replies. "Because there is another beach party next month and I expect to see both of you there."

Her gaze lingers on Seraphina. Nysa nudges her and Seraphina splutters slightly before smiling.

"We'll be there," she says quickly.

"Excellent," Juliet says, and turns to leave. "Oh, and Seraphina, I'm going to be studying in the library tonight. If you need any help with any of your classes, then you know where to find me."

She is gone before Seraphina can reply. Beside her, Nysa laughs. Seraphina rolls her eyes and slaps Nysa's arm lightly. 

"What?" Nysa asks jokingly.

"Leave me alone," Seraphina replies.

"I didn't say or do anything," Nysa tells her as they walk to Nathanial's classroom.

"You're teasing me," Seraphina argues.

"I'm encouraging you," Nysa corrects. "Seraphina, your courage and strength have grown so much. I am so proud of you."

"But?" Seraphina asks, sensing one coming.

"Look, you and Juliet clearly like each other. Just push aside your fear and go for it."

Heat burns Seraphina's cheeks and she looks at her feet.

"See, that's what I mean."

"But I don't know what to do. I've never been romantic with anyone. Plus, Juliet is a Fifth Year."

"Juliet started the Academy as soon as she turned twenty, instead of waiting a few years like most normal people do. She may be five academy years older than you, but she's twenty-five and you're twenty-three. That's only a two-year gap between you."

"How did you know that?" Seraphina asks. It is the law for all Ethereals between the ages of twenty to thirty to go to an academy, which means by the time they turn twenty-five, they must have enrolled. Though it does mean each year group has mixed ages, Seraphina had learned that most Ethereals wait before going to the Academy until they are twenty-two or twenty-three. She supposes it's to get a few extra years of training before they start.

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