Chapter Fifty-One

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Before today, Seraphina hadn't seen much of the two serpent students who attend the academy. She didn't understand why they were here in the first place. Orion explains it to her.

"Basilisk Riders can be born to anyone, Ethereal or Stain. When born to an Ethereal, they don't have any of the family magic. They are a rider. They aren't Stain or Ethereal."

"So why are they here?" she asks, frowning, watching as the students step into the combat ring with Radomir.

"Because the Riders work closely with the Ethereal elite. So, to help build relationships with the most powerful Ethereals, they attend Amber Cove, which, as you know, is where the most powerful Ethereals attend."

"Oh," Seraphina replies and bites at her lip.

"Supposedly, it allows for more connections and better communication between Etheral and Rider, but the Riders tend to stick to themselves. They're mysterious like that," he jokes.

"Interesting," Seraphina mutters. 

Her eyes fall on Alaric. He takes off his long, black coat and hands it to an instructor Seraphina doesn't recognise. Now, he wears a simple black shirt, tucked into black leather trousers. The shirt is loose, and slightly pen at the neckline, showing a glimpse of his smooth chest beneath. He rolls up the black sleeves, showing his strong arms. Seraphina's heart flutters just looking at him.

"How can pulling up sleeves be sexy," Cora mutters from beside her.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Seraphina replies, still not taking her eyes off of Radomir.

"Sure you don't," Cora says.

"Even I find that man sexy," Orion laughs. 

Seraphina doesn't reply, she looks ahead at Alaric. The way his grey-blue eyes stare at the other rider students sends a chill down her spine. His gaze is calculated, almost predatory. He looks beautifully dangerous. It is a terrifying sight to behold.

 The crowd surrounding the training ring silences as the Riders step into position. Today, Alaric is giving a demonstration to the first-year combat students. It isn't uncommon for a member of the Order to teach the occasional class. Though it isn't usually the Second Lord, no one is complaining.

"Hae you ever seen the rider students fight?" A new voice interjects. Seraphina turns and smiles as Juliet comes to a stop beside her.

"No," Seraphina and Orion reply at the same time.

"You're in for a treat," she chuckles. "They put some of Amber Cove's greatest to shame."

"Really?" Seraphina asks.

"Yep," Juliet says, smiling beautifully. Seraphina looks away, hiding her blush. "Changing the subject, I assume you'll be at the beach party tonight, Seraphina?"

"Yes," she replies.

"Wonderful," Juliet says. Before Seraphina can say anything else, the fight begins. Silence hangs over the fields as everyone seems to take in a collective, tense breath.

The rider students circle Alaric slowly, unblinking and tense. Alaric is alert. His muscles flex beneath his training clothes. Seraphina gulps, her heart starting to race from the building tension as they all wait for the first move.

Seraphina's eyes fall on Fay. She has her usual smug smile on her face and she whispers to one of her friends. They giggle, their eyes focused on Radomir. Seraphina feels angry heat rush through her and she looks away quickly. 

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