Chapter Twenty-Eight

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The Stains all stand awkwardly in the corner of the ballroom. Even Seren is slightly pale and he barely looks up from the ground. Seraphina wipes her sweaty hands on the skirts of her dress, which she must admit, is beautiful.

It had taken both Ari and Cora to help her into the shining, royal blue corset. Attaching the elegant, matching skirt was even more difficult with all the multiple little chords to tie along with its weight. Even now, it digs into her hips uncomfortably and pulls on her body.

Still, it is worth it. The corset makes her figure look incredible and the skirt flutters around her, making her feel beautiful. She can't help but rock on her heels and spin her hips, making the skirt whirl.

Seraphina stops, staring at the array of dresses from the Ethereals, in awe of the spectacular beauty and intricacy of them. No two are the same and the ballroom is alive with colour. It is a sea of fine silks and sparkling jewels, both on jewellery and encrusted on the dresses. Theodora was right, there really are no limits on fashion when it comes to parties.

Some girls wear tight corsets and giant skirts. Others wear more figure-hugging dresses. There are girls who are fully covered but their heads and others show off their stomachs, or their backs.

Yet, as Seraphina stares at all the splendour, she can't help but feel intimidated. Her dress, her make-up, and even her hair look so simple compared to them. Not only that, but none of the Ethereals approach their little group. The most they receive from them are either harsh glares or giggles as they whisper to each other and point in the Stain's direction.

"These are meant to be our classmates," Nysa says, shaking her head as two young men walk past in smart suits, smirking and gawking at Nysa. Their looks are so predatory and cruel that it sends a chill shooting straight down Seraphina's spine.

"They'll adjust to us," Cora says, her voice slightly high-pitched with forced hope.

Kirnon lets out a snort of disbelief but doesn't argue back.

"Well, I don't care for any of them," Drevon shrugs. "I don't need to make friends. I just need to do well in the lab. The Shaw Foundation don't care about who you're friends with. They only care about what's in here," he says with a grin whilst tapping his head.

"Must be nice," Ari sighs.

"Once they see what I can do, I'm sure they'll be racing to be my friend," Seren says. The rest of the Stains pause and turn to face him. He narrows his eyes at him and then Nysa speaks.

"You know, for once, I think you're right," she begins, "once they see you're as sadistic and cruel as them, then you'll fit right in."

He sneers at her but doesn't answer back.

"What are you doing hiding in the corner?" Juliet says, raising her voice over the music as she approaches.

Seraphina's mouth nearly drops open as she looks at Juliet. Her heart begins to race, and she feels heat grow in her cheeks as she looks over Juliet's body.

Juliet wears a dress as black as the night, that somehow sparkles and shimmers with shades of deep blue, purple, green, and silver. It hangs effortlessly over her body. It is as she approaches, that Seraphina realises it isn't a dress at all, but a two-piece with a halter-top, and a long skirt that trails elegantly across the floor. Her stomach is completely exposed, revealing her perfectly sculpted toned muscles.

Her dark, golden skin has a glittery sheen covering it, and her silky black hair has been pulled back into a soft, loose braid.

Seraphina gulps, the words freezing in her throat as Juliet comes to a stop next to her. A waft of roses and strawberries washes over Seraphina, making her heart race even faster.

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