Chapter Fifty-Nine

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Sorry, I meant to post this Bonus chapter a week ago, but life got in the way. Anyway, here it is now.

I am on holiday for the next two weeks, leaving on Friday. I'm going to try and write and schedule updates whilst I'm gone, but I'll just have to see how much I can get done.

Also, up on my YouTube channel, is a video talking about this story, what inspired it, my plans in the future for it etc. So, if you're interested in that, go and check it out now.

Anyway, onto the story.

"You're fraternising with the enemy," Tommen says as he, Slade, and Ajax all appear at Seraphina's dinner table.

"Excuse me?" Levanna asks, crossing her arms.

Tommon looks at Nysa, his eyes narrowed and Seraphina laughs.

"Tomorrow is our big combat exam," Ajax says, his voice bored.

"Yeah, we know," Levana replies dryly.

"We are going to be competing with her and her whole section," Slade continues. "She could be tricking you into giving up our tactics right now."

Seraphina rolls her eyes and looks at Nysa, who's shaking her head and cramming stew into her mouth.

"Or, we're just eating a good dinner the night before a big day," Seraphina replies.

"Not good enough," Tommen says. "Come on. This is our chance to move up to the top class next semester, we have some last minute planning and training to do."

Seraphina sighs and stands up.

"You can't be serious," Levana moans.

"Come on," Seraphina huffs, "unless you want these three morons hovering over us to make sure we don't spill any of our highly important secrets to Nysa and Orion."

Upon hearing his name, Orion looks up.


"He's not even listening," Levana moans as she reluctantly stands. Nysa laughs.

"Well, whilst you five are too busy overthinking and studying, I'm going to bed early so that I can be fully rested."

"Her plan is much better," Levana grumbles as they walk away. Seraphina laughs and pats Levanna on the back.

"There is nothing wrong with going over the plan a few more times," she says and they make their way to the library.

Seraphina had pretty much forgotten about the book. She'd looked through it a few times when sitting alone in her room, but each time, the pages had been blank. So, it now sits at the bottom of her wardrobe. Plus, the last two weeks have been jam-packed with training, studying and exams. She has barely even seen Juliet since their kiss, the pair both too busy to make time for each other.

Nathanial's lessons hadn't changed much. He is still training her shields in preparation for the end-of-season ball and his father's visit. Seraphina hopes she won't even need to use her shields as she has no intention of Ross Roark getting close enough to her to find her interesting.

Her work with her private weather tutor has had to be paused now and will resume after the holiday. She's far too busy for private sessions on top of all her other studying and revision. That being said, she can already see improvement in her control of her nature abilities. She is still far from being in complete control, but they seem to listen to her more.

All she needs to do now is discover her body ability. She shudders as she thinks about the Ritual Radomir is training her for. Part of her is excited to discover what her body power may be, but the rest of her is terrified that this Ritual will go wrong and she'll be lost forever. She shudders and pushes that thought from her mind as Slade finds them a table tucked away in the corner of the library.

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