Chapter Six

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Seraphina stands as the rider approaches. She is immediately drawn to his mask. The dark silver metal slopes sharply down the rider's face looking almost snake-like. Little slits make up the gaps for the rider to see through. Behind the small gaps, are glowing amber eyes, his pupils diamond in shape just like the basilisk's.

Strange, sharp points protrude from the top and bottom of the mask. The mouth of the mask is open, revealing sharp metal fangs. Its cheekbones are sharply angled, making the whole mask look intense and skeletal. More gleaming metal covers the rest of their head and neck. It interlocks with thick armour which is layered intricately over their huge body.

On his hips, is a great, unsheathed sword. The silver is gleaming, and it is intricately engraved carvings of twisting snakes.

Seraphina's eyes fall on his metal-gloved hands. The armour covering them looks like claws, with the fingertips ending with sharp metal talons.

Seraphina grits her jaw in determination and pulls out her two daggers. Above her, the clouds start to darken and a low rumble of thunder echoes around them. She draws upon her lightning. Sparks ripple across her hands, travelling through the metal of her daggers.

Her eyes do not leave the rider.

From behind the mask comes a deep, chuckle.

"To attack would be foolish," he says calmly.

"Why are you here?" Seraphina asks, her voice trembling. "Why did you attack me?"

"If I recall correctly, I saved you."

"You were the reason I was falling in the first place," she snaps back.

As the adrenaline leaves her body, Seraphina's aches return in full force. She wobbles on her feet, and it takes all her strength just to remain standing.

"I saw you looking over The Lost Forest of Morthagor. Why?" he asks, his voice sounding almost curious.

"That is no concern of yours, rider," Seraphina replies. The wind picks up and large drops of rain fall.

The rider looks around and then tilts his head at the lightning that dances across Seraphina's hands.

"Your light show is pretty, but will be ineffective against me," he mocks.

Seraphina grits her teeth and tightens her grip around the hilts. She shakes her head, trying to stop the spinning.

"Please leave," Seraphina says lowly.

"You have not answered my question. No one in their right mind goes near that wretched place."

"Then why were you there?" she manages to squeak.

He chuckles. "A few days ago, we felt a magical disturbance coming from The Lost Forest. I was tasked with inspecting it to see if we need to be worried about the little horrors inside trying to make an escape."

He talks about the evil and danger of the forest so casually that it takes Seraphina by surprise.

"Though if you are all that came out of that place, then I can see we hardly need to be worried."

Seraphina bristles at his arrogant tone and her hands twitch.

"I have answered your question, now answer mine. Why were you looking into that place?"

"I was curious," Seraphina finally replies.

"Curious?" he asks.

Seraphina nods her head slowly. Slowly, he starts walking towards her. Seraphina tries to back away, but she fears that any wrong movement and her dizziness will send her crashing to the ground.

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