Chapter Eight

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Calla holds Seraphina, who clings to Calla's clothes so tightly, that her knuckles are white.

"I'm going to miss you, kid," Calla says, her voice cracking.

"I'm going to miss you too," Seraphina replies and starts crying again.

"It's going to be okay, Phina. Everything is going to be okay," Calla says, pushing Seraphina off her gently. Seraphina nods her head. "You are strong, smart, and powerful. Remember that. Don't let anyone walk over you. Especially other Ethereal students. You are their equal."

"Okay," Seraphina says. Calla pulls her back into another tight hug, squeezing her and kissing her forehead over and over.

"I love you, sweet," she says.

"I love you too."

Their moment is interrupted by the general clearing his throat. Seraphina lets out a long sigh and Calla gently lets her go. She moves to the bags and lifts them, handing them to Seraphina.

"Thank you," Seraphina whispers, her voice shaking.

"Come back and visit me in the summer. I'll make you more soaps and candles," Calla says with a wobbling voice.

"Is this really happening?" Seraphina asks.

"It is, kid," Calla smiles and together they walk to the horses. One of the Ethereals takes the bags from them and attaches them to the saddles. Calla smiles softly. "It's time for you to grow, Phina," she says, "do not think of this as leaving me or your home. See this as your new adventure. It is time for you to see the world, make new friends and create your own family. This is exciting," she encourages.

Seraphina smiles softly. "Okay," she says.

Calla chuckles, "Just promise you'll come to visit the crazy old woman in her cabin," she jokes.

"Of course," Seraphina replies.

"Good. Now, off you go," she says, keeping her voice strong.

Seraphina jumps toward Calla and the two embrace once more. They don't speak as they hold each other. Seraphina can feel Calla shaking though.

"Blow them away, sweet," Calla says and draws back. She lifts her hand to Seraphina's cheek and gently wipes away the tear falling down it.

"I will," Seraphina says and takes a deep breath. She jumps as a hand touches her shoulder. Looking up, she sees General Keller. His smile is gentle.

"It's time to go, kid," he says softly. Seraphina nods her head and looks back at Calla. She is smiling, though Seraphina can see her lips quivering and silent tears fall down her cheeks. Seraphina's own eyes sting, but she doesn't want to cry even more in front of the general.

"Good luck," Calla says. "I love you."

"I love you too," Seraphina smiles and turns around to walk toward the horses that the soldiers are bringing toward them. The general lifts her onto one with ease and then climbs on it behind her. His huge body encases her, and she shifts uncomfortably.

"Can't I have my own horse?" she asks.

"Have you ever ridden one?"

Seraphina stays quiet.

"Exactly," he chuckles.

Seraphina turns to Calla. She is standing in the doorway of the cabin, her smile forced. Seraphina starts to shake, her breathing getting heavier as panic swells over her. Before she can process it, the general is urging the horse on. The beast lurches and starts trotting away, then galloping. Seraphina gasps and twists, trying to see the cabin and Calla as they get smaller and smaller. Calla waves and Seraphina lets out a shout. Then, the house disappears into the forest, and she can see Calla no more.

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