Chapter Fifteen

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Seraphina finds herself once again standing in the arena. This time, she isn't alone. All the Stains who were victorious in the combat round, plus all the Stains who got over a certain amount of correct answers on their academic test, as well as the Stains who scored a certain amount of points in their music or dance performances, all stand in neat rows with their tutors. One by one, they go up a great set of marble stairs up to the platform where the leaders who judge this year's tournament sit.

"Who's up there?" Seraphina whispers.

"The Master of Education, of course," he begins, "and from what I saw through my glasses, it looks like he's joined by the Master of Infrastructure, the Overlord of Nature Magic, Princess Liliana, and of course, The Lord Commander of the Order."

Seraphina gulps, her mouth drying up.

"You're in a very lucky position, you know," he says.

"Really?" she asks sarcastically.

"Do you know how many Ethereals would kill to get an audience with them?" he asks.

Seraphina scoffs and shakes her head. "Well, they're more than welcome to take my place."

The general chuckles and slaps her on the shoulder lightly. "It's done now, Trip. You realise that don't you? You are going to Amber Cove Academy."

Seraphina just bites at her lips and lets out a shaky breath. They fall into silence and watch as the other Stains go up for their interviews. The closer it gets to her turn, the more her heart starts to pound in her chest.

She lets out a shaky breath and her hands go clammy with sweat. She can't wait for this day to be over, though she fears she may have a stress-induced heart attack before she makes it out of the arena.

Finally, her number is called.

Her stomach churns and she forces herself to step forward. She tries not to think about how wobbly her legs are.

The walk to the stairs feels like it takes an eternity, yet, at the same time, they arrive at the bottom far too quickly for Seraphina's liking. She grips the rail tightly as she begins the ascent. Loud ringing hums in her ears and her mouth goes completely dry.

"Smile, be confident, and be polite," the general whispers into her ear. Seraphina nods and soon, she can see the white thrones and the people on them.

Her stomach lurches and she gulps down bile as she steps up onto the platform with them. Their eyes are on her and Seraphina is immediately drawn to their magnificent presence. Their robes are spectacular, made from fine silks and velvet. Everything about them is pristine, from their neatly styled hair to the sparkling jewels that adorn their bodies.

Seraphina meets their eyes and notices their polite, if not somewhat bored, smiles. Then, her eyes fall on the man in the chair furthest from her she freezes, frowning with confusion.

He doesn't look at her. Despite his posture being perfect, and straight, his expression is one of boredom. No, more than that, it is one of someone who thinks he is above everyone in this arena, the Overlords and the Masters included.

Power radiates off him. Despite sitting down, she knows he is tall and lean. His robes of deep, embroidered silver, look spectacular. His fair skin is almost too pale and is inhumanly smooth. There is a strange, magical, enchanting beauty about him. Seraphina isn't sure she's ever seen such sharp cheekbones or jaw. She also hasn't ever met someone who, despite not looking a day over thirty-five, radiates with ancient energy. 

Despite his strange aurora, that isn't what makes Seraphina pause. 

It is the way his long white-blonde hair cascades around him, each strand perfectly straight and with none out of place. It is the way she, despite never having met him before, remembers his face. It is not a memory of hers. It is a memory of her mother's. 

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