Chapter Fifty-Four

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In their combat class the following day, Seraphina and her team are called to the front by Casek.

"Yesterday, you and your team showed excellent combat and strategical skill," he says, smiling widely at Seraphina. "You've proven yourself to be a promising military leader, Seraphina."

Seraphina smiles widely, giddiness bubbling in her stomach.

"It is because of your performance yesterday, that I have spoken to Thorne. If you all carry on displaying this level of skill in your classes and teamwork up until the end of the year, then you and your team will be promoted up into the higher class."

There are collective gasps around them and Seraphina almost jumps up with excitement. Even the boys let out pleased shouts beside her. Tommen even pats her on the back. Levana bites back her smile.

"So, keep up the good work," Casek says.

"We will," Seraphina assures him.

"You did marvellously," Lieutenant Colonel Thornse says, stepping forward. "And I suppose you all want to know your grand prize."

"We do," Seraphina chuckles. He gestures to the other end of the training field. Alaric Radmoir walks toward them. Seraphina's smile falls from her face and she narrows her eyes. Beside him, Fay walks proudly. His expression is neutral as she laughs and chats to him. Seeing her smug smile makes Seraphina ball her hands into tight fists. 

"Why's he still here," Seraphina mutters lowly.

"Good afternoon," he says as he stops in front of all the stunned students. Fay makes sure to stand by his side, as though they're a team. Everyone stands there, silent and waiting. 

"Hello team," Fay says, her smile tight. Seraphina cringes just hearing her smug voice. "After your performance yesterday you have earned a prize. I am here today to inform you of the prize I have decided upon, being your Student Lieutenant."

Seraphina nearly groans. Beside her, she feels Levana shy away slightly, not even looking up from the ground.

Alaric raises an eyebrow. "That is not necessary, Fay," he says, his voice calm. She opens her mouth to argue, but promptly closes it again. "As it was my competition, it is my prize to give."

"Of course," she says, through a tight smile. Seraphina doesn't miss the way her eyes flash with anger.

"Though if you were going to give them a prize also, then feel free to announce it. As the Student Lieutenant, it is good to reward your subordinates to keep morale and motivation high. It is a part of what makes for a good leader."

"I think whatever prize you have planned is reward enough," she says.

"Well, with the possibility of moving up into the next class on the tables, that is more than enough motivation to keep our morale up," Slade chuckles and slaps Tommen excitedly. The two men laugh, their smiles wide. Seraphina smiles with them.

"Is that so?" Fay asks calmly. The tone of her voice has everyone's smile falling from their faces. Fay's eyes shoot to Levana, who doesn't look at her. Seraphina's stomach twists with a pang of pity.

"It's not going to be easy to prove yourself," Fay says, "It will take more than one competition to show you're worthy of being in the best class. Especially as you didn't even win the competition. We need to make sure the skill you displayed yesterday wasn't a fluke or beginner's luck."

"It wasn't," Seraphina says, smiling politely.

"We'll see." Fay's eyes burn into Levana. "Some people aren't cut out to be the best."

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