Chapter Thirteen

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"Ah, excellent," the general says not long after they have made their way to a large, dark hall.

"What?" Seraphina asks.

"You're one of the first ones up," he grins.

Bile rises in Seraphina's throat and she balls her hands into such tight fists, that her nails start to cut her palms.

"That's a good thing?" she asks breathlessly.

"Yes, it gets it over and done with," he says and pushes her toward the front of the room near the double doors.

Seraphina watches as the first champion walks through. The doors barely open, not allowing any of them to see what's on the other side.

Sweat coats her body, hot and sticky. She licks her dry lips, tasting the salt.

"Come on, Trip, let's get you warmed up," he says and leads her over to an empty patch in the room. Once there, he makes her stretch and do gentle drills with her sword. Seraphina tries to zone out her fear and focus on her movements.

"Are there any preparations you need to do for your magic?" he asks.

"Not in here," Seraphina says, her voice shaking.

The general looks around, then steps closer.

"I suggest you only show off one of your powers. Usually, our leaders like to keep triple threats secret," he warns in a low voice.

"I will use my nature magic," she assures him. "I'm not strong enough with my mind magic anyway."

Seraphina pauses, then frowns. "Wait, you said I'd get through because I'm a triple threat. How are they going to know that if I only show one power?"

"Because you'll tell them in the interview you have after this round."

"Interview?" she squeaks.

"You seriously can't be more afraid of the interview than the combat trial you're about to face."

"I think I'm going to be sick," she groans.

The general sighs and rubs his forehead with his hand as Seraphina starts to pale.

"Pull yourself together girl," he hisses and then gives her a rough shake that makes her vision and brain wobble.

"Number Eleven," an announcer shouts. "Prepare for your exit."

Seraphina forgets how to breathe and her muscles clamp up tightly. The general pushes her toward the door and Seraphina limps as her muscles continue to freeze up. He whispers harshly in her ear.

"Stop fucking around, Seraphina. Fear is a hindrance and will get you killed. So, by all means, continue to act like a fucking coward and die. Or, snap out of it and live. Those are the only two choices you have."

Seraphina lets out a trembling breath and nods her head.

"Okay," she says and they come to a stop in front of a very bored-looking woman. She looks down at a clipboard, not even paying attention to Seraphina.

"I assume you were warned that failure in this tournament can result in serious injury and even death?" she asks, her voice monotone.

"Yes," Seraphina squeaks.

"You are about to enter the arena for a combat trial. There are two objectives. Survive, and kill all the attackers. Once they are all dead, the round is over and you have passed. Understand."

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