Chapter Thirty-One

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Seraphina hits the stone floor with a heavy thump, making her brain shake inside her skull. Pain ripples through her as she lands on her side awkwardly. 

Cruel laughter sounds above her and she slowly spins around to see a group of older Ethereal students. The boy who pushed her smirks at his friends, revelling in their enjoyment of his nasty actions.

Seraphina eyes sting with tears but she bites them back. Slowly, she attempts to stand. Before she can stop him, the Ethereal kicks her back down.

"I didn't say you could get up," he mocks as Seraphina falls onto her back. 

Her body tingles as her magic swells protectively inside her. It takes all of her strength to keep it back. The last thing she needs is to draw more attention to herself and electrocuting another student on her first day isn't exactly keeping a low profile.

"Awe, leave it alone, Henry," one of the women says, draping herself over the boy who had pushed Seraphina. "It doesn't understand its place yet."

"I'm not an it," Seraphina says, her voice coming out a small squeak. The group laughs and the woman pouts mockingly at her.

Seraphina jumps as the first man pretends to lunge at her. In her chest, her heart pounds and she looks around for help.

Other students walk past, but they pay her no attention. Some even laugh and snicker with their friends, pointing at her on the floor.

Heat builds in Seraphina's cheeks as shame and embarrassment flood her. She balls her hands into tight trembling fists. It isn't from fear though. Her lightning threatens to burst out from her palms, making her skin start to burn.

Seraphina bites at her lips and again, tries to stand.

"You disobedient little rat," the student snarls. "I didn't say you could get up yet!"

He lunges for her, his expression cruel and his smile sadistic. Seraphina, now on her feet, holds her arms up to protect herself as she cowers from his attack.

Before he hits her, he stumbles back. His eyes widen in horror and his mouth drops open. He stops blinking and the colour drains from his face. Seraphina frowns, confused as he begins to gasp for breath. Slowly, he walks backwards until his back presses against the wall.

Slowly, he sinks, his gaze not breaking from a spot further down the corridor behind Seraphina.

"Henry?" his friends ask and they start shaking him desperately.

Seraphina turns and watches as Nathanial storms down the corridor toward them, his face a picture of rage. The Ethereal students turn to run.

"Do not move," Nathanial orders, his voice so cold and terrifying that it sends shivers down Seraphina's spine.

They all stop and stand up straight, staring ahead at Nathanial. Henry starts to cry in fear, his face contorting as he screams. It is then that Seraphina realises that Nathanial is using his powers on him. She doesn't know what he is making Henry think he's seeing, but judging by the screams which grow louder and louder, it isn't pleasant.

Seraphina can't look away from Henry. Despite his back being against the wall, he still scrambles to try and move further away. At the same time, he holds up his arms as though he's trying to protect himself from something.

"Professor Roark," one of the students says, his voice trembling with fear. "We were just helping the new student."

"Do not lie to me," Nathanial says coldly and the student flinches. Nathanial steps even closer to them, getting into their personal space. They look to the ground, cowering beneath him pathetically. Seraphina almost smiles with satisfaction. She would, if Henry's screams weren't still so horribly loud and terrified.

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