Chapter Eleven

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Seraphina's breaths come in short sharp pants as they walk through the maze of corridors Her palms are damp with sweat and her mouth is completely dry. Beside her, the general walks with calm confidence.

"The first round you will be judged for your beauty. You will pass it easily," he tells her. Seraphina tries to reply, but her tongue feels heavy in her mouth. All she can do is nod her head.

"You don't need to do anything in this round but look pretty. Just smile and be calm." He pauses and turns to Seraphina, whose face is getting paler and paler. He sighs and puts his hands on her shoulders, looking into her eyes.

"Sort yourself out, Trip," he says, giving her a slight shake. "Deep breath in, deep breath out, come on. Don't make me start manipulating your body again, because I will."

She does as he says, taking in deep breaths through her mouth and out through her nose.

"That's it," he says. "Would you allow me to slow your heart?"

"Please," she practically begs, her voice breaking as she speaks because of how dry her throat is.

The pounding in her chest lessens and Seraphina continues to breathe evenly.

"Are you okay now?" he asks.

"Enough," she replies, and they carry on walking again.

"You do not need to speak or do anything. Our names will be announced for us. We just need to show up."


"Ah, General Keller," a voice behind them says.

"Fuck," the general mutters then forces on a fake smile as a man approaches.

"So, this is your champion this year?" the man asks. Seraphina gulps as she looks over the new figure. He is tall and lean. The dramatic coat made out of fine, and thick black material lined with golden threads makes him look strangely scary. Paired with his warm skin, green eyes the colour of pine, and long, shoulder-length blonde hair, the man is as beautiful as he is terrifying. Everything about him is strangely, unnaturally perfect.

"Nathanial," the general says through tight lips.

Nathanial narrows his eyes as he looks at Seraphina. "There's something familiar about you," he says, his voice smooth, and deep.

"I don't know why that would be. She's been living in a forest her whole life," the general says. "Do you even know what a forest is, Roark?"

Seraphina's stomach drops.

Her heart starts to race again and by her sides, her hands shake. She curls them into tight fists and looks away from Nathanial Roark, her mother's younger brother.

Seraphina shudders, remembering Calla's stories about Nathanial and his cruelty and how he would use his mind powers to turn people deliriously mad. 

Please don't recognise me.

She peaks up at him and shivers, noticing the way he stares at her intently. Slowly, he looks back to the general but still frowns.

"Yes, General, I know what a forest is. In fact, I spent my summer searching the Ternadai Jungles."

The general lets out a bark of laughter. "And what good did that do you? The tribes never give up their people."

"Well, I have a certain charm," he says, and winks. Something about his tone of voice makes the hairs on the back of Seraphina's neck stand. She knows there is danger behind his words. Even the general shifts uncomfortably.

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