Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"That's her?" Nysa asks Sophia.

"Yeah," Sophia replies.

Seraphina stares at the entrance of the ballroom. The woman who stands there is beautiful. Her hair, which is thick, glossy and spectacularly golden, hangs down her back in soft waves. Seraphina finds herself wondering why someone with hair like that would ever want to change it, let alone be jealous of anyone else.

A strange hush falls over the room. Those who were dancing stop and groups of people lean in to mutter to each other. Seraphina looks around at all the other first-years. Their nervous faces and quick glances in Fay's direction to not bring her any comfort.

Fay walks into the room. Seraphina can barely take her eyes off her.

Fay's dress is incredible. The material is as red as rubies. It matches the giant set of glistening rubies that rest around her neck, surrounded by silver and little sparkling diamonds. Seraphina has never seen such a grand array of jewels.

As if noticing it at the same time as her, Sophia scoffs.

"It's just a ball for first-year students," she mutters and rolls her eyes.

"If this is what she's going to pull out for just our insignificant little party, then I wonder what she's going to wear for the more important balls," Orion says.

"I don't give a fuck," Nysa mutters, her expression bored.

Orion laughs but it's quickly cut off by a harsh nudge from Sophia.

"Shit, she's coming over," she whispers harshly.

Seraphina looks back in Fay's direction. Sophia is right. Fay walks over with a wide, beautiful smile on her ruby-coloured lips.

Juliet takes a few steps in front of the Stain students, her stance almost protective.

Seraphina moves closer to Nysa, her eyes not leaving Fay as she approaches.

"Juliet, it is lovely to see you again," Fay says. Something about her smile and the way she looks at Juliet sends shivers down Seraphina's spine.

Fay's blue eyes gaze at Juliet with a strange hunger, like she wants what Juliet has.

"Fay" Juliet says, smiling calmly as though she doesn't see the spark of hatred flash across Fay's features. "Welcome to Amber Cove Academy."

"Thank you, I'm glad to be finally here. I've been waiting for this for a very long time."

Fay's head spins in the direction of the Stains. Seraphina resists the urge to cower and duck behind Nysa for safety. Fay's probably already sizing her up. Seraphina doesn't need Fay thinking she's weaker than she already is.

"These are the Stain students?"

"Yes, they are," Juliet says.

Fay's eyes fall on Seraphina's. Seraphina meets her stare, trying everything to appear confident. Every instinct in her body screams at her to look away and to cower, but she fights against it.

Fay's eyes narrow and she looks away from Seraphina's eyes to her hair. Seraphina almost misses the way Fay's jaw clenches with hidden anger. What she doesn't miss, however, is Fay's complete change in body language. Suddenly, her smile is tight, her posture tense.

"What's your name, Stain?" she asks, her voice sickly sweet.

"Seraphina," she replies, stepping forward and away from Nysa's barrier of safety.

"Hmmm," she hums and her expression changes again. Her smile becomes more confident. No, confident isn't the right word.


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