Chapter Forty-Nine

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Seraphina stares at her father, her eyes wide. She had forgotten how much of an imposing figure he is. Fine, silver and blue silk robes drape elegantly over his tall, lean body. His long, white-blonde hair falls down his back, perfectly straight. His blue eyes shine with a strange, brilliant glow, making the blue colour almost shocking to look at. 

Seraphina's mouth dries with nerves. She hadn't expected Alaric to pass on her message, let alone her father actually listen and show up.

He raises a blonde eyebrow at Nysa and then back at Seraphina.

"She already knows," Seraphina squeaks, then clears her throat awkwardly. Her father hums, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Beside her, Nysa is still, the colour drained from her face. The two share panicked looks and take small steps closer to each other.

"Vorrigan," Headmistress says, addressing the lord commander by his first name, which takes Seraphina by surprise. "Seraphina and Nysalanai have lessons early in the morning and I'm sure they would like to get some sleep. I suggest we make this meeting a quick one." Her voice trembles slightly and she stands up.

"You are right, Evangeline," he says, smiling. The smile is strange. It doesn't meet his eyes and it doesn't feel warm either. It's not like it's unfriendly though.

The headmistress walks past Seraphina and Nysa, and then locks the office door. It is then that Seraphina realises that the headmistress doesn't care about how much sleep the girls get. She's nervous about someone finding out the lord commander is here.

Seraphina should be scared too. If anyone found out she was meeting with him, then she'd be in a lot of trouble.

"Your friend is staying?" her father asks, his voice deep and weirdly smooth. Seraphina gulps and the headmistress answers before she can.

"The pair are inseparable," she chuckles. "Good luck getting one to go without the other."

That brings a small smile to Seraphina's face.

"Well, I suppose if I could trust anyone with this secret, it would be with a woman from the western tribes."

"I have Seraphina's best interests at heart, Sir. I can assure you of that."

"Good," he replies. Then, his eyes find Seraphina's once more.

"My Second Lord tells me that you wish to discuss your possible future with me and me alone, correct?"

"Yes," Seraphina replies, squaring her shoulders. She takes a step forward, not looking away from her father's intense stare. "You told me you would visit sooner."

"I did, and I apologise for my absence. There have been some unforeseen developments that I have had to try and sort out," he explains.

"Well, as I said to Lord Radomir, General Keller, and Nathanial, I am not a prize pet to be bartered over and traded. If there is to be a union between myself and Alaric, then it shall be properly discussed and decided between the two of us and Alaric, when a decision on my end has been made. But I will only start to even consider it when I  have a full understanding of what this union brings and what my responsibilities would be along with all the dangers that come alongside it."

"I understand," he says.

"Good. Because I have no idea about how any of this works or what the order even really is. How can anyone expect me to just agree to marry into it if I don't understand it?"

"You will, Seraphina," he says. "I have made arrangements with Headmistress Craval. It isn't long until your winter break. Instead of staying at the Academy during this break, you shall stay at the temple."

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