Chapter Fourteen

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Seraphina wakes with a gasp. The general hovers over her, a wide grin on his face.

"Well done, Trip," he says and slaps her on the shoulder. Seraphina winces and flicks him away as she sits up. It takes her a few seconds to remember what happened. When she does, her stomach drops and she looks at her hand.

Her mouth drops open in shock as she sees it. She rubs at her palm madly as though that will bring back the deep cuts that should be there. There is nothing. It is completely fine without even a hint of a scratch.

The general chuckles and Seraphina looks up at him, unable to form the words and frowning with confusion. 

"What?" she finally manages to stutter.

"There are Ethereals with healing powers," he reminds her. 

Seraphina sighs and nods her head. "Oh," she mutters.

"Yes, oh. Anyway, you did it, Trip!" he grins and slaps her back roughly. She glares at him, which makes him laugh harder.

"Wait, where's my sword?" she asks and starts looking around for it desperately, her heart leaping into her throat.

"I've dealt with it, don't worry," he assures her, his voice serious.

Seraphina lets out a long breath and leans back against the wall. She bites at her lips as images of those vicious creatures racing toward her replay in her mind. A chill ripples up her back as she recalls their snapping jaws and giant teeth.

"You had me worried for a moment there," the general says and sits down next to her.

"You were worried?" she asks, then scoffs. "What were those creatures anyway?"

"Hye Cats," he tells her.

"I've never heard of them." 

"They don't have a natural habitat, that's why. They are bread by specialised farmers."

"What, so they can kill Stains at this tournament?" she asks.

"No, for their hides, meat, and teeth mostly."

"Teeth, what are they doing with their teeth?" Seraphina asks, pulling a face.

He shrugs. "I don't know."

Seraphina huffs and rolls her eyes.

"What I was trying to say, is they don't often use hye cats, they're nasty."

"Yes, I noticed," Seraphina replies. He chuckles.

"You handled it excellently, Trip."

Seraphina stands up and crosses her arms. "What about those who don't handle it so well?"

His face drops and he clears his throat awkwardly. "They aren't using them for every round," he tells her.

"What else are they using?"

"I don't know, I haven't watched any of the other trials." He pauses and smiles. "Do you want to go and watch?"

Seraphina pauses and thinks for a few moments. The thought of seeing Stains running for their lives as whatever terrifying beast is unleashed upon them makes her feel physically sick.

"You realise that most of these Stains have trained all their lives for this, right?" he asks her.

"Is that meant to make this charade okay?" she asks.

"I'm simply saying that they knew what they were getting in for."

"Yes, for Stains to have some semblance of a good life, they have to fight against a pack of monsters. This trial is so wonderful and fair," she replies.

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