Chapter Nine

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"How come the General is allowed to prance around Narenna finding a champion? Haven't you got to be leading the nation's military?" Seraphina asks after hours of travelling in silence.

The general, who had awoken from his nap a few hours ago and returned to his horse, chuckles.

"Most of my work can be delegated," he jokes.

"So, you're just allowed to take a summer off to search for a champion, even when you aren't a teacher at the academy?" she asks, frowning with confusion.

"I teach at the academy now and then," he replies. "Which means I qualify to have a champion."

"I'm not sure I understand," Seraphina sighs.

"All the academy tutors search each summer for their champions. The only ones who don't are the ones who are mentoring their current, successful champions. However, each year, various high-profile Ethereals who teach occasional classes at the academy, are allowed to put their names into a draw. At random, a single name is drawn and that person is allowed to search for a champion," he explains.

"And luckily for me, that name drawn was yours," Seraphina says sarcastically.


She rolls her eyes and lies down in the cart, looking up at the trees.

"Get some rest," he orders her as he looks at the darkening sky. "It's a long trip and I need you presentable for when we meet the officials at The Colosseum."

"Who are the officials?" she asks. General Keller shrugs.

"Whichever Overlords and Masters turn it is," he says. Seraphina sits up quickly, making her head spin. The colour leaves her face, and her eyes widen.

"What?" she asks.

General Keller grins smugly at her.

"So, I will be being judged by the most powerful Ethereals in the country?" she asks, thinking back to her lessons on Ethereal Leadership which is shared between the Masters and the Overlords.

There are five Masters, each one in charge of one of five important areas of society, consisting of treasury, health, education, military, and infrastructure. Then, there are the Overlords, of which there are three. These three people rule over the magic side of Narenna. So, there is an Overlord for nature magic, mind magic and body magic. These eight people are the rulers of the country, and the most politically powerful people alive at the moment.

They're going to be judging her.

"Yes," he states. "So, get some rest so you don't look like how you do now when you meet them," he grins. Seraphina lies back down, her stomach twisting. She almost wants to be sick. Yet, before she can think about it further, she finds herself feeling sleepy. Her eyes grow heavy, and her heart slows. She feels her muscles relax. As she is drifting off, she remembers the general's power. He is doing this to her body. He is making her sleep. Yet, before she can fight against it, she is falling into a peaceful sleep.


"You need to stop messing with my body," Seraphina snaps after she wakes.

"I was just saving you from boredom," he jokes.

Seraphina looks around, realising she isn't in the forest any more. Around her spans rolling hills of long green grass and wildflowers. She looks back at the way they had come. She can't even see the forest anymore.

Her heart pulses in her chest and her mouth dries.

"How long have we been travelling?" she asks, her voice a squeak.

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