Chapter Four

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Calla is quiet as she hands Seraphina her breakfast.

"Are you sure?" Seraphina asks as she awkwardly stirs the thick porridge. Her stomach churns with nerves and the thought of eating it almost makes her want to be sick.

"Yes. It is time you saw it. Now eat up. You need all your energy for the climb ahead."

"Climb?" Seraphina gulps.

"How else do you think we'll get up to the top of The Claw?" she asks.

Seraphina shudders and forces a spoonful of porridge into her mouth. It feels stodgy and thick and she struggles to swallow it.

As Seraphina eats, Calla starts packing. She reaches for hers and Seraphina's swords. She also grabs Seraphina's daggers and throwing knives.

"Is that really necessary?" Seraphina asks.

"No, not really. If something attacks us from inside that place, these will do nothing to stop it."

"That wasn't the answer I was looking for," Seraphina sighs and stands up with her now empty bowl.

"It's fine. Nothing will attack us. They won't be able to get to us from our spot at the top," she says quickly.

"You're just filling me with confidence."

Calla just gulps and hands Seraphina her belts so she can attach her weaponry. They prepare in silence. Calla secures all her thick dreadlocks from her face, wrapping them up in a colourful scarf. She's also ditched her colourful skirts for leather trousers and a hardened leather corset – something Seraphina also wears.

When they leave the cottage, Seraphina's stomach flutters and churns with nerves. She lets out a shaky breath and follows Calla. They walk in silence. Despite The Claw being five miles away, Seraphina can see it in the distance. Its presence looms over them, the mountains so huge that its shadow can be seen even through the canopy of thick trees.

Seraphina shudders.

There is a snap behind them, making both women jump. They spin on their feet and Seraphina's hand automatically falls on her sword.

"Oh," she says breathlessly as the unicorn trots toward them. "It's you. Hello friend," she chuckles as he comes to a stop and nudges her. She doesn't know the unicorn's name. Nor does she have the right to bestow a name of her choosing upon him. No, his name is to be known only by his kind. He nudges Seraphina and she smiles widely.

"No, I will not be using my powers today. You don't have to worry about the rain."

He huffs and swings his head. Seraphina runs her hand down his face. She feels the tension leave her body at the feeling of his soft fur and comforting presence.

"The rest of the herd weren't happy?" she asks as he stomps his feet. "Why?"

His dark eyes meet hers and she shakes her head. "You're wild animals, I thought you were used to a little bit of rain."

He blinks and nudges her gently. "Okay, I'm sorry," she smiles. They start walking slowly. Calla rubs his side and sighs.

"Where is the rest of the herd?" she asks. His kind usually stays hidden away from Ethereals. They usually stay away from everything. Seraphina knows it is an honour just to be able to stoke and communicate with one of these magnificent creatures.

"That's good," Calla replies to his silent answer.

The three come to a stop when they hear a high-pitched shrieking sound. They look up at the trees just as a bright red bird bursts through the canopy. It lands on one of the branches and cries out again.

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