Chapter Forty-One

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"Nysa," Seraphina whispers in the darkness.

"Yes," Nysa answers. Seraphina bites at her lips and then sits up in her bed. She looks over to where Cora and Ari's empty beds are, the pair having gone off to a late-night library study session whilst Seraphina and Nysa decided to go to bed early.

"Can I ask you something?"

"You can ask, but that doesn't mean I'm going to answer," Nysa replies. Seraphina laughs and lies back down.

"What are your other two powers?"

Nysa takes in a sharp breath and Seraphina turns in her bed to face her. Since the revelation about the pair being triple threats, neither have discussed their other powers with each other. For some reason, it didn't feel right.

"It would be easier to show you, I suppose," Nysa finally replies. "But not yet. I'm not ready. I can't..." she trails off and lets out a long breath. "I can't control them yet. Not like I can with my mind power. I wouldn't want to accidentally hurt you."

"Okay," Seraphina replies.

"What about you?"

"Well, my mind power is the same as Nathanial's."

"Yeah, I figured," Nysa chuckles in the darkness.

"And I haven't discovered my body power yet," she sighs.

"Really?" Nysa asks and Seraphina can hear her bedding rustle as she sits up quickly.

"No. Magically, I've been so focused on trying to work past this block on my nature magic, or on my mental shields, that I haven't even thought about what my body power could be."

"Oh, wow. That's exciting, I guess."

"You think?"

"I mean, yeah. There's so many possibilities."

Seraphina laughs. "I bet it would be something boring."

"With you, no way," Nysa says.

"What's that meant to mean?" Seraphina asks.

"Seraphina, nothing about you is normal or boring," Nysa tells her.

"I suppose that's true," Seraphina replies, laughing. "Sometimes I wish it wasn't."

Before Nysa can respond, a key turns in the lock. Seconds later, Ari and Cora walk in, whispering and giggling between them and trying to be quiet. There is a large thump, followed by a fit of giggles. Nysa sighs and sits up, turning on her lamp.

Cora and Ari spin to face her, their eyes widening and guilt written on their faces.

Nysa raises an eyebrow and crosses her arms. Cora and Ari share a sheepish look whilst Seraphina bites back her giggles.

"Nysa, we're sorry. We didn't mean to wake you," Ari begins quickly.

"Yeah, it's just that Ari-"

Cora is quickly cut off by Ari, who throws herself at her and slaps her hands over Cora's mouth.

"Shut up!" she hisses. Cora squeals and tries to tackle Ari off her.

"What is it?" Seraphina asks, sitting up herself.

"Oh nothing," Ari says quickly.

Cora rips Ari's hand from her mouth and speaks quickly with laboured breath.

"You know that birth control stuff Juliet gave us?"

"Er, yeah?" Nysa asks.

"Well let's just say Ari is going to need it soon."

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