Chapter Twelve

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"Chariot number one!" the voice booms. Seraphina leans over to the general.

"Who is that and how is their voice so loud?" she asks, whispering.

"That's Cammus," the general says. "Obviously, he has body magic."

"So his power is making his voice really loud?"

"Pretty much. It seems harmless enough in a large open space like this, but you do not want to be standing near him whilst he uses his ability."

"What, why?" she gasps.

"I've seen the soundwaves from his voice blow someone apart," he chuckles.

Seraphina gulps, paling at the thought of it. "Are all Ethereals this violent?" she asks.

"No, just all the military ones, which is the category you've been entered into."

"Why?" Seraphina groans.

"Well, are you an academic genius?" he asks curtly.

"No," Seraphina mutters.

"Can you sing, or dance, or play an instrument with such skill that-"

"Okay, I get it," she hisses. She bites at her lip as she watches the first chariot do a loop around the Colosseum and come back to its start point. The second one is already beginning its journey.

"This bit is so boring," the general sighs and starts tapping his foot.

"What happens after this?"

He grins wickedly. "The fun begins."

Seraphina groans and her stomach does a nervous flip. Calla had taught her about the combat trials, but her information is a little out of date. After all, Calla hasn't attended one of these trials in the last thirty years or so. It could be completely different.

"What does the combat trial consist of?"

"No idea, it's different every year," General Keller shrugs casually.

Seraphina huffs, her hands starting to tremble. She can't wait for this day to be over. Of course, that's assuming she makes it to the end of the day.

"What about the tests for those doing the other categories?" Seraphina asks.

"The academics have written examinations in mathematics, languages, and the sciences somewhere inside the Colosseum whilst the combat trials are happening," he scoffs. 

"And the arts?" Seraphina asks. 

"They have their moment whilst the combat trial Stains are getting ready and the arena is being set up." 

"Oh," Seraphina gulps, her voice drying in her throat. The general continues, not paying attention to her fear. 

"There are fewer Stains in the academics and arts categories. Most are some form of combat."

"So, more competition," Seraphina mutters, letting out a shaky breath. 

"You could look at it that way, but usually only one or two academics and arts get in, leaving most of the spaces free for combat so it kind of balances out." 

"Oh, the odds are completely favourable," Seraphina replies sarcastically. 

The general gestures with his head to the other chariots. "For this lot, hardly," he says.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, two of you are assured to get in."


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