Chapter Forty

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"Well done on getting a rank," Cora says as they walk to the chapel for Seventh Day Service.

"Thanks," Seraphina replies, still feeling a warm buzz of excitement as she thinks about it.

"It's a shame you and Kirnon didn't get one," Nysa says.

Beside them, Kirnon shrugs. "I did well in my combat test, but was terrible at strategy," he replies.

"I was the opposite," Cora mumbles. "I am really struggling in my combat class."

"Did you learn how to fight before you came here?" Nysa asks.

"A little. Not like you and Seraphina."

"You'll get there," Kirnon says. 

"We started at the same level, Kirnon. You've improved so much already and I'm still getting my arse handed to me. The only reason I've even been put into military classes is because they consider my power to be a combat one."

Seraphina and Nysa share a look.

"Join us when we train," Seraphina offers. "Nysa is a great teacher."

Cora groans. "As if I need more extracurricular activities. But I'll do it. Thanks."

Ari catches up with them, Drevon in toe. With only being in one shared class together, it feels like weeks since Seraphina has seen Drevon.

"Well done on ranks, Ari just told me," he says to Seraphina and Nysa.

"Thanks," Seraphina replies. "I heard you did well in your physics exam."

"Top of the class," Drevon grins.

"Amazing!" Cora squeals.

"I'm learning so much. Every class is ridiculously intense and sometimes it feels like my brain is melting out of my ears, but I have to say, I'm loving every moment of it here." 

"What's your favourite subject though?" Ari asks.

"Mathematics," he replies. Seraphina shudders. Just thinking about numbers and complicated equations makes her head spin.

"How do the Ethereals treat you?" Kirnon asks.

"Fine. They've pretty much forgotten I'm a Stain. For us, it's all about learning and science."

Nysa lets out a scoffed laugh. "Lucky," she mumbles and Seraphina nods in agreement.

They go quiet as they enter the chapel. Seraphina bites at her lips nervously as her eyes fall on the giant mirror at the end of the grand, golden hall. A chill spreads down her spine.

"This place freaks me out," Ari says in a low voice as they make their shuffle down one of the benches near the back. 

"Me too," Cora replies. 

Seraphina looks down at her feet, unable to shake the feeling of being watched from that wretched mirror. She peaks up at it and swears the room starts to darken. 

"Are you okay, Phina?" Cora asks. 

Seraphina nods her head and shudders once more, looking back at her feet. The others chat lowly around her, but she zones them out. 

Tiny whispers echo in the back of her mind, inaudible and confusing. Seraphina frowns, not sure if she's making it up or not. They grow louder and the urge to look at the mirror consumes her. She frowns and clenches her eyes shut. The whispers grow louder and louder. Sweat forms on her forehead and she clenches her hands into tight fists.

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