Chapter Fifty

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"This is your plan?" Seraphina squeaks as Alaric Radomir walks into the room the following day. 

Alaric raises an eyebrow, his cold blue eyes staring intensely at Seraphina.

"Alaric will be coming here once a week until you visit the Order," Nathanial says, shooting Nysa a warning look as she glares at Alaric.

"Why?" Seraphina asks.

"To prepare you."

"Can you just answer our questions properly?" Nysa snaps.

Nathanial chuckles. "It isn't safe for you to use your nature power on academy grounds, Nysa. Not until you know how to control it better. So, whilst you visit the Order, they will be training you on how to use it. Same with your body power. Alaric here is just going to prepare you for the intense magical training you'll be doing."

"And me?" Seraphina asks.

"There is something we can do at the temple that will hopefully unlock your hidden body power," Alaric says.

Seraphina narrows her eyes, her stomach sinking with dread.

"What can you do?" she asks, knowing she isn't going to like the answer.

"Let me guess," Nysa says, interrupting before he can reply. "Whatever this is to unlock people's powers, is dangerous or unethical in some way and forbidden on academy grounds."

"That's about it," Nathanial replies casually.

Seraphina's mouth drops open and she scoffs. "You can't be serious! Does it hurt?"

"Mildly," Alaric replies sarcastically. Seraphina grins her teeth together in frustration as hot, searing anger surges through her.

"And what if I say no?" she asks.

Nathanial sighs in frustration and Alaric rolls his eyes.

"You need to unlock your body power, Seraphina," Nathanial says. "If it isn't going to come to you naturally, we must coerce it to the surface."

Seraphina sighs and rubs her temples.

"So, what does preparation involve?" Seraphina asks.

Alaric smiles and Seraphina's heart stops. It is as beautiful as it is terrifying. She gulps, suddenly very nervous at what this man is going to do to her.

"You have nothing to worry about, Seraphina," he assures her.

She crosses her arms and bites the inside of her cheek, trying to ignore the way her heart hammers in her chest.

"Nothing to worry about?" she asks. "You have done nothing but bring me fear, frustration, and worry since we first met."

He chuckles and the sound makes Seraphina want to walk over there and slap him.

"Still not over our first meeting, I see," he replies, smirking. Seraphina takes in a sharp breath as she remembers that day in the forest. Remembering the way his basilisk had towered over her, the way its acidic breath burned at her skin. Remembering the terror as she thought he would kill her.

"How does one so easily overcome being nearly eaten by a basilisk?" Seraphina asks sarcastically.

"I wouldn't have let my basilisk eat you, Seraphina," he says, "I wouldn't want her to have an upset stomach."

Seraphina doesn't know how to respond. Alaric steps closer to her, treading slowly. His eyes don't leave hers.

"I would have cut you down myself," he says lowly. "And maybe I should have."

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