Chapter Twenty-One

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Nysa and Seraphina arrive for breakfast together after waking up before sunrise and watching it in the map room. They sit beside each other at the busy table. Almost everyone else had already gathered and had begun eating. Seren looks between them and smirks. Nysa and Seraphina pay him no attention.

"Good Morning," Dreven says with a charming smile.

"Morning," Seraphina replies softly and reaches for a golden pastry and some strawberry jam. She has to admit, the food is beyond anything she could have imagined. So far, it is the best part about this whole situation. Well, apart from her blossoming friendship with Nysa. Any time they are out of their rooms, they are together. Though they don't always talk with each other, they share a comforting bond, connected by their shared, wild experience.

Seraphina can't quite understand why Nysa feels so safe, or comforting to be around. She's sure Nysa feels the same around her. All Seraphina knows is that there is some sort of unspoken understanding between them and that's okay with her. 

Cora begins talking excitedly about the academy and how they'll be there in only a few days. The tutors join in, giving them little bits of information. For the most part, they are secretive though, telling them all they will find out everything properly when they get there. Melody tells them how beautiful the building is and how every classroom and training area is state-of-the-art.

Ari sighs dreamily. "I can't wait to dance in the studios."

"You're going to thrive," Rosaline says, "a talent like yours will be welcomed with open arms by the dance tutors. Oh, and don't forget you'll have access to all the finest instruments Narenna offers. The academy only gets the best for its students."

Ari grins with excitement. Opposite her, Seren scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"Is something wrong?" The general asks, raising a brow at him, his voice cold. Seren smirks and looks between the general and Ari.

"Seriously?" he asks. "None of you can truly believe, this magicless, useless brat has actually taken a spot from someone more deserving, right? You, as a soldier, should understand where I am coming from. All those brilliant magical and combat-trained Stains that could have joined your forces got turned down for a pathetic little dancer." Ari gulps and looks at the ground. The general lets out a long sigh whilst everyone else at the table shares an exasperated look, sick of Seren constantly bringing Ari and her dancing up. 

"Music and arts are just important to Ethereal society, boy," he explains. "I don't mind going to watch a ballet performance now and then."

Seraphina raises her brows in her surprise at the admission. Seren laughs in disbelief. His teeth grit and his lips pull into a sneer as he shakes his head in disbelief.

"You're all fucking pathetic," he hisses.

"Seren, that's enough!" Matthew, his tutor shouts.

"I could fucking pop all of you right now and there would be nothing you could do about it," he laughs manically and turns back to Ari. 

"Here, why don't I give you a demonstration as to why you don't belong here," he hisses. Ari gasps and her breathing increases.

"Enough," Nysa says to him, her eyes darkening.

"Shut it, you disgusting barbarian whore," he says through his sadistic smile. Beside Nysa, Ari is shaking as blood starts dripping from her nose.

Before the tutors can get to him, Seren's body suddenly goes limp and his stare becomes distant. Ari lets out a relieved breath and wipes away the blood with shaking hands. On the other side of Ari, Kirnon quickly pulls her into him protectively and helps clean up the blood. Meanwhile, Seren reaches for the knife at the table and brings it to his neck. He holds the blade right above the artery.

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