Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Seraphina and the general walk outside toward the train.

"I've got your sword, Seraphina. I'll take it back to my house and keep it hidden and safe," he tells her.

"Thank you," she replies and sighs, rubbing her temples as a dull pain settles in her head. The general stops and puts a hand on her shoulder.

"I'll be back soon," he says, "and you're going to be fine. You'll see."

Seraphina smiles weekly. "Thank you." 

"If you need anything at all, or are having any trouble with Nathanial, or any Ethereals, just send me a letter. I'm going to look after you, Seraphina. That is my job as your tutor."

Seraphina nods her head. "I will."

"Good," he says and smiles. "Now, I must be off."

Seraphina gulps and he chuckles.

"It may not seem like it now, Seraphina, but this is the best place for you. Your magic and skills are going to flourish. And, I hate to say it, but it is a good thing Nathanial is helping. You have the same mind powers, so there is no one better who could unlock your fullest potential with them."

"I know," Seraphina says. "He's terrifying though."

The general chuckles and nods his head. "You'll get used to him. Plus, the more your powers develop, the less he or anyone can intimidate you."

Seraphina squares her shoulders and grits her teeth in determination. The general smiles fondly.

"That's my girl," he says.

"I'm not going to let you down," she says. "Or Calla, or my father."

"If Calla were here, she would be very proud of you. In fact, when I get home, I will send a letter to her, updating her of all your progress."

Seraphina's heart flutters and a wide smile lights up her face.

"You'd do that?" she asks.

He laughs and nods his head. "I will," he replies.

"Thank you," Seraphina says.

"As I said, Trip, I'm your tutor. It's my job to look after you. That means emotionally too. Now, get your arse back inside and be with your friends. Make the most of the last day of an empty academy and prepare yourself for the first years to arrive tomorrow."

The smile falls from her face.

"I had Theodora make you a ballgown for the welcoming ball in two days, it's quite something."

"Thank you," Seraphina replies.

"You're going to be something amazing, Seraphina," he sighs. "Work hard, make friends, and have fun. Okay?"

"I will," she assures him.

"Good, now, I really must be going. Goodbye, Trip. I'll see you in two weeks."

"Goodbye," she says and gives him an awkward wave. He chuckles, turns, and walks to one of the carriages and gets inside.

Seraphina sighs and her chest pangs with a bubble of fear as the train begins to move. The one man who would keep her completely safe is leaving her. 

Seraphina pushes the fear down and shakes out her body. 

Enough fear. I've got to be strong now.

She lets out a shaky breath and walks back into the building, not turning to look as the train disappears into the tunnel.

Nysa is waiting for her in the entrance hall. Seraphina smiles awkwardly at her.

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