Chapter Thirty-Three

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"This is disappointing," Miss Tarlyn sighs, shaking her head as she looks at Seraphina. Seraphina hangs her head in shame and her cheeks flush as the other students laugh at her.

"How did she even get chosen?" someone whispers behind her.

"Enough," Miss Tarlyn snaps at them, and they straighten. She shoots them a harsh glare, her dark green eyes piercing into theirs. "You have had the privilege of being trained all your lives by expert, specialised tutors. Seraphina here hasn't had the same luxury. Now, get back on with your drills. Seraphina, a private word."

Seraphina, still not looking up at the other snickering students, awkwardly skips to catch up with Miss Tarlyn as she walks away.

They come to a stop at the edge of the training field. Seraphina's mouth is dry with shame and fear as she dreads what Miss Tarlyn may be about to say.

"During your trial, you wielded your powers with excellent control," she begins, "what's happened since then?"

Seraphina sighs and runs her sweaty hands through her hair.

"My powers tend to act on their own accords. When I'm scared or threatened, then they seem to know what to do before I do. But just trying to summon and wield them on command is a struggle," she admits.

"Hmmm," Mrs Tarlyn says, frowning thoughtfully. "Have you ever trained with other nature magic users before, specifically those who can manipulate the weather?"

"No," Seraphina replies.

"I think that is what you need. There is someone I know who may be able to help you. She works as a private tutor in a city on the other side of the country, but she has the power to control storms and I think she would really help you. She is highly sought after, but I'm sure that either the general or Mr Roark can send for her and she would answer. I shall speak to Headmistress Craval and have it arranged. It will be a while before she arrives though."

"Thank you," Seraphina says.

"It's okay, Seraphina," she says softly. "Magic is like a muscle and it needs very specific training in order to grow strong. Do not let other students let you believe you are powerless. They all were in your position once. Just put in the work and soon, your powers will flourish."

"I really hope so," Seraphina replies and forces on a smile. Doubt settles in the back of her mind. She's had a week of lessons. In that week, she still hasn't been able to form a mental shield to keep Nathanial out, and she can barely summon her powers on command.

"Seraphina," Mrs Tarlyn says, a little firmer. "You're exhausted and it's only your first week. Give yourself time to adjust and get stronger. Don't just give up at the first hurdle."

"I won't. I'll work hard, I promise."

"Good. Now, get back out there and carry on with your drills."

Seraphina nods her head and walks back toward the other students. She is still in awe at the amount of varied powers they have. Everyone in this class can manipulate the elements in some way. She hadn't realised this before, but there are two categories of nature magic. Those who can control the physical elements such as earth, metals, water, wind, fire, light, and the likes. Then, there are those who can manipulate the invisible forces of nature. Gravity, movement, sound waves, electromagnetics and other such things that delve into a world of physics that Seraphina has no chance of ever understanding.

Cora, with her pulses, is a nature magic user. However, because she falls under the other category, she unfortunately doesn't share the same class as Seraphina. It's a shame, Seraphina hasn't been able to see Cora's powers at work yet, all she knows about them is what Cora has said.

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