Chapter Twenty-Two

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There is a knock on the door. Seraphina groans and stretches.

"Come in," she moans, sitting up. Nysa grumbles next to her.

"Rise and shine Trip, ohhh," The general shouts, then trails off as he sees Nysa also in the bed. He raises a brow and tilts his head, opening and closing his mouth. Seraphina rolls her eyes and stands.

"How can I help you, Kelly?" she asks, using the new nickname she'd been calling him for the last few days. He laughs.

"Just what exactly is going on here?" he asks. Nysa stands, rolling her eyes.

"We are nothing but friends, General," she says, "but if we were more, that would be none of your business." 

He laughs and leans on the door.

"Why are you waking us up so early?" Seraphina asks.

"Well, we arrive in Ethanra in an hour," he explains, "which is where we transfer trains. We are due to arrive at Amber Cove this afternoon. This means, in this hour before we get to the Capital, it is tutor one-on-one time. And, seeing as your tutor isn't here, Nysalanai, well I guess you can join Seraphina and myself. I'll let you two freshen up and I'll be back in ten minutes."

Before either girl can argue, he turns and walks away. For a few moments, Seraphina and Nysa just look at each other.

"It must be nice having such a relaxed tutor," Nysa says.

"He's a pain in the arse, but yes, it is," Seraphina replies. Nysa moves toward the door.

"I'm going to get changed. I'll be back in ten minutes."

"Okay," Seraphina replies.

Nysalanai leaves and Seraphina goes into the bathroom. She strips out of her nightdress and quickly washes her body before changing into another skirt, corset, and blouse combo.

Just as she's finishing up, Nysa walks back in, quickly followed by the general.

"Right," he begins, as both girls take a seat. "I'll just come right out with it. To put it blankly, you two, are an investment."

"Wow, thanks," Seraphina replies sarcastically. The general ignores her.

"Financially, you are our responsibility. That means over the next five years, until such a time that you get a job or find another Ethereal to help via sponsoring, everything you need, your tutors pay for. From dresses for balls, to study books, to weapons, anything."

Seraphina's eyes widen.

"Yes, it is a big responsibility."

"How do we pay it back?" Nysa asks calmly.

"You pay it back by working your arse off for the next five years. You make sure that when you leave the academy, you are in a position to get the best job you possibly can. If your tutor deems your efforts worthy, then you do not need to pay them back. However, if your tutor believes that you haven't put the effort in that you should, and you have not got a prosperous future after your five years, then you will have to pay back every penny they invested into you."

Seraphina gulps and nods her head.

"Now, this first year, you are my sole responsibility." He turns to Nysa, "And you Nathanial's. However, should you impress any higher Ethereals during the next year or two, then you may get a sponsor."

"What do they do?" Seraphina asks.

"I highly encourage you to try and get a sponsor, and a good one at that. A sponsor will not only help financially but will also act as a mentor and guide, especially if you get a sponsor in the area you one day want a career."

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