Chapter Seven

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Seraphina thought she wouldn't be able to get to sleep easily after the day she's had, but as soon as she sinks into her bed, she passes out instantly.

The following day, Calla doesn't make her train. Instead, they spend the day at the lake. Together, they climb around the rocks and swim before having a picnic by the shore. In the evening, they sit on the cliff, watching the sunset. The sky is illuminated with bright pinks and purples as the burning, deep orange sun sinks into the horizon. They sit in peaceful silence, Seraphina's head resting in Calla's lap. Calla gently strokes her hair.

Calla starts humming to herself, and Seraphina can't help but smile. The humming is interrupted by a snort.

"Hello, friend," Calla says. Seraphina doesn't turn to tell that the unicorn approaches. A few seconds later, his face appears above her. She lifts her hands, tickling his nose. He shakes his head, making Seraphina laugh.

He steps back and huffs.

"Yes, I know. Yesterday was strange, wasn't it," Seraphina agrees.

"Really?" Calla asks.

"If you'd seen basilisk fly over around The Lost Forest before, why didn't you warn us?" Seraphina asks and frowns at him.

"Oh," Calla chuckles, "I see. Well, I'm sorry our presence caused a basilisk to destroy a part of your forest."

The unicorn moans and Seraphina smiles sadly. "He'll come back for me and then I'll be gone," she says, "then you won't have to worry about me causing trouble ever again."

He steps forward and leans his head down to nudge her gently.

"I know, I'll miss you too," Seraphina says, tears stinging her eyes. She laughs. "No, I don't want to be taken away by a basilisk and their rider either."

"We appreciate that, friend, but that is not necessary. Unfortunately, Seraphina needs to go. She cannot stay here forever."

He moans again.

"I know, I'll miss her a lot," Calla sighs and Seraphina sees are eyes glisten with tears. She sits up and leans on Calla's shoulder.

They fall back into silence and the unicorn stays with them for a while, watching the sunset with them. Eventually, he is called back to his herd.

Seraphina sighs as she watches him go.

"I love this place," Seraphina sighs.

"Me too," Calla says. The idea of leaving her forest for populated cities and for a society where everything you do, or wear is judged, makes her stomach twist with fear. She doesn't want to live in a world where someone can claim to be your friend, but scheme against you behind your back. But now, after her conversation with Calla the previous night and the promise she made, Seraphina has a mission. Though the idea of going to the academy is daunting, knowing that her studies will help her protect Calla makes it a little less scary.

Calla kisses her forehead and lets out a long breath. "It is time, Seraphina," she says, as though she knew that Seraphina was thinking about the academy. "I've taught you everything I can, and I've given you the best upbringing I could. But now you've got to go your own way."

"I know. I understand that now. But I'll miss this," she gulps.

"Me too, sweet. Me too."


Seraphina stares at her reflection in the dusty mirror. She wears her leather trousers and a loose white top. Over her torso is a tight leather corset to help secure her breasts ready for a day full of training. As she finishes her braid, her mind wanders. She thinks about all the beautiful dresses Ethereal women surely wear. Would she look pretty in a dress? Or would the muscular figure she had gained from all the years of Calla's training not be considered beautiful? Seraphina frowns at the thought.

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