Chapter Fifty-Three

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Healing is body magic. One can either heal oneself or heal another. There are many variations of healing magic throughout the country and each family with a type of healing magic is different. There is only one family that can heal another completely and they don't work at Amber Cove Academy.

That is why when Seraphina turns up to the beach party with her friends, she still has a cut lip and a large bruise on her cheekbone. She has a few more cuts and bruises beneath her clothes too. Her main injuries, however, are mostly healed. It had been a painful process. The head healer and most powerful healing magic user in the academy had overseen her and her team personally. Seraphina isn't sure how her particular healing ability works, only that it stung as her internal wounds were being fixed. The pain is mostly gone now, except for her remaining bruises.

"Have you heard what the prize is yet?" Ari asks as they step off the path and onto the sand.

"No, not yet," Seraphina replies, digging her toes into the soft sand. She smiles as she looks around. Large bonfires have been set up across the busy beach. There is a low hum of chatter and laughter, as well as the gentle sound of the ocean as it dances up the shore. In the darkness, the water is black.

Seraphina is greeted by a loud, victorious cheer when she reaches her friend group. She can't help but laugh and smile as Orion picks her up and spins her around.

"Put her down, you Oaf," Nysa laughs. Orion puts Seraphina down, but she's laughing so hard that she can barely stand.

"You were amazing today," Sophia says, patting her on the back.

"Amazing is an understatement!" Orion grins. "You made the Second Lord of the order bleed. You're the talk of the whole academy!" 

Seraphina smiles so much that her cheeks begin to ache. Pride swells through her along with satisfaction as she remembers the surprise on Alaric's face.

"Enough talk about the fight, let's party!" Seraphina shouts.

Soon, they are dancing. It is the music students who provide the music with their fiddles, flutes, drums and with their amazing singing voices. The night is alive and Seraphina's heart races with exhilaration and joy as she revels in everything.

Nysa joins her, the pair holding hands and laughing as they spin around together. Their dancing isn't good. No one's is. But no one cares. After months of nothing but training and studying, Seraphina needs this one night of freedom.

She sways with the music, her body humming. For this short amount of time, she doesn't have a care in the world.

That is until she spots Levana.

Seraphina pauses and looks over at the group. Fay has her usual cruel smile on her face as she looks Levana up and down like she's nothing. Seraphina sighs as Fay leans to her friend and whispers something. Both the girls laugh and Levana hangs her head in shame.

Seraphina had thought that what had happened today would have put Levana back in Fay's good graces. It seems to have done the opposite. Levana says something, her expression almost pleading. One of the boys replies and gives her a "playful" shove, which knocks her to the sand.

Seraphina's stomach sinks watching as the group laughs at Levana as she slowly stands. Levana turns and storms away, the group still laughing as she goes. Fay makes a joke and they laugh even harder, all following her lead.

"That's rough," Orion says beside her. Seraphina nods her head and walks away, following Levana.

She finds her next to the cliffs, hidden away from the lights of the fires. She hears Levana's sniffles before she actually sees her.

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