Sleep is Better For The Dead

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We eventually arrived to the beach. "We can show you around everywhere else later, the main place to be is the beach. It's calming here." Brian said as he turned the car off. I nodded.

"Are you okay?" He asked me again. I debated on not telling him anything, but I trusted him. I shrugged. "The whole point of me applying to this job in the first place was to leave Seattle to get away from Michael, the rest of my past, and all the fuckery that came with that, now Michaels coming here because he never got our marriage annulled." I said shaking my head.

"Damn, I'm sorry he was and is such a dick." He said. I laughed. "Thanks Gates." He nodded. "Anytime." He then unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car and walked around and opened my door. I saw the rest of the guys were already here.

We walked to the sand and all the guys explained to me what places we were going to on tour. They of course told me all about Huntington Beach. "When does Michael get here?" Zacky asked. "Tour starts soon and it's better to get the stuff over with before then." He continued. I nodded. "Yeah, I told him to come tomorrow. I don't want to continue to be married to that ass." I said.

"He seems like a dick." Matt said. I nodded. "He is. He wasn't so much that way before we got married, but then again we were 18 and 17.

"How'd you get married at 17?" Johnny asked. "My dad was away a lot, he wanted me to be happy and he always knew I was independent. With my mom gone he figured I knew what was best." I laughed. "If the both of them could see me now." I said.

We sat at the beach for hours, just talking. Mostly about music and fuckwhat. I was sitting between Brian and Matt, Syn kept checking to see if I was okay, and Matt kept looking at me weird. I just sat there, thinking. Today has been so fucking weird.

I don't know why but my stomach was hurting. It shouldn't be, but it was. "What the fuck." I said out loud. "What?" Jimmy questioned. I shook my head "Just playing through the events that happened earlier, you know, I could of just not have answered the phone and things would be what they seemed they were." I said, covering up the real reason why I said what the fuck.

I wanted sleep. It wasn't that long, I thought we weren't at the beach that long but I checked the time. It was 9 p.m. "The time really gets the fuck away from you." I said. They all nodded.

Eventually, we all decided to leave. The guys went to there own houses, Synyster offered to give me a ride. I accepted. I said goodnight to him and told him that he and the guys are welcome anytime and that if I was still asleep or not home, there's a key under the mat.

He also said good night and told me he'd probably be here tomorrow with the guys, telling me the first few days before tour were kind of boring.

I nodded and walked to my door. He didn't drive away yet, he wanted to make sure I made it inside. I sighed and locked my door. I walked up stairs and took a shower, changing into pajamas. I got into bed and I soon fell asleep.

I tried to fall asleep. Shitty memories thanks to Michael that I didn't want floated throughout my head and those memories made me think of my ex boyfriend. Things between he I though were fresh. Like I said, we broke up 4 weeks ago...well I left him 4 weeks ago.Fuck. I don't think I ever ended up getting any sleep, I just laid there with my eyes closed.

(Synyster's pov)

We hadn't known Delilah that long, but I was worried about her. Seems like after that phone call she had, she wasn't okay at all. And what she told me last night at the beach...If I were in her shoes I wouldn't be okay either.

I called the guys and told them to meet me at Delilah's. I was currently on my way over there. I couldn't tell if she was home or not. She didn't have a car and it looked like the lights were off.

I got the key from the under the mat and unlocked the door. Pretty sure she was still asleep. I sat in the living room and eventually the guys showed up.

(End of Syn's pov)

I think I finally fell asleep at 8 something in the morning. I was going to be tired when I woke up, fucking great. I didn't care what time I woke up, as long as I woke up before Michael got here. Fuck, I hated today.

(Matt's pov)

Yesterday was actually somewhat okay. Delilah telling me to stop being a dick and explaining why actually made sense. After that phone call she had though, I felt bad. She was right, we didn't know a thing about each other, except for the fact that the guys and I knew if not most, all of the story of her ex husband.

He sounded like a fucking dick. No one deserves to be treated that way.

Brian called earlier and told me to meet him and everyone else at her house. I did and now we were all sitting in the living room waiting for her to wake up.

I don't know if I hate her, but I know I hate this Michael guy.

(End of Matt's pov)

Eventually, I woke up. And I woke up with a headache and a stomach ache. "Fuck." I said out loud as I sat up and looked at the time it was noon. I got fucking 4 hours of sleep and I missed basically have of my day.

I sighed and stood up. As soon as I stood up, I wanted to puke. I ran to the bathroom and and did just that. I brushed my teeth. Maybe it's the change of scenery, or nerves of Michael. I couldn't tell.

I went downstairs and found the guys. Today was a lazy day. A lazy day until Michael shows up. "Finally your awake!" Jimmy yelled. "Jesus fucking fuck, Jimmy. Inside voice. I feel like shit." I said grimacing.

"Oopsies. Sorry Del." He said. I nodded. "What did you do last night? Did you throw a party with out us?" Zacky asked, faking being offended. I shook my head. "I went to sleep at 8 this morning and I woke up to a headache and me throwing up. Life's fucking peachy keen, y'know. Sleep is better for the dead I guess." I told them.

"Are you with child?" Jimmy asked Jokingly. I laughed. "That's very unlikely." I said...I think it was unlikely. I hoped it was unlikely. "What time does what's his face get here?" Syn asked me. I shrugged. "I don't know and quite frankly I don't fucking care." I said as I sat down next to Matt.

He smiled a small smile at me. "How's your morn-how's your afternoon going, dimples?" I asked him tiredly. He laughed a little, good. "As good as it could be, going better than yours I take it." He said. I nodded. "You have no idea."

We all talked about Tour again. "Please tell me we'll be staying in hotels at some points of the tour?" I asked. "Yeah. Bus life isn't that bad though." Johnny told me.

"I don't give a shit if it is or not, I do not need to die the same way that Cliff Burton from Metallica did, alright." I told
Then. "You're musically cultured." Brian answered. I nodded. We sat there for an hour or so talking and then the door bell rang.

I rolled my eyes and got up. I opened the door and there was Michael. "Long time no see Delly." He said to me.

(A/N: I'm glad there's a selective few of you who are reading an enjoying the story! I'd like to know what your guys predictions are for future chapters and I'd like to know how you feel about the story so far. I appreciate you guys and hope you enjoy the rest of this :) 🖤 - Jaimie)

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