Make Up

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(People who love might like this chapter...Imma warn y''s a lot, in my opinion anyway)

I was still in Matt's room. I'd been in there for about a few minutes. I sat there on the bed crying. If I left where the fuck was I supposed to go?

I sat there thinking about what to do. My mind was several different places and my heart was in several different pieces. I sat there.

I was sitting there in my thoughts when I heard the door start to open. Light from the hallway bled into the dark hotel room. I looked up and locked eyes with Matt's.

(Matt's pov)

As I got closer to our room, I heard muffled crying. I fucking hated that this was happening.  I used my key and opened the door. There weren't any lights on, but I had opened the door wide enough for the light in the hallway to go into the room.

The fluorescent light shined on the bed. That's when my eyes locked with Delilah's. Her eyes were blood shot, and her makeup was severely streaked. I did that. I broke her heart and I fucking hated myself for it.

I shut the door and turned the lights on. We had to talk about this. I'd apologize, and hope to fucking god or whoever, that she accepted my apology.

(End of Matt's pov)

"Delilah." Matt said soflty. I looked at him "Why." Is all I said. He shook his head. "I was angry. Please, just, just let me explain to you what happened." He said as he sat down on the bed. I stood up.

"Explain what? I saw what fucking happened, Matt." I said. I wasn't in the mood to yell. "My exe, Angela loves to cause problems and manipulate people. Half the reason why we broke up. I would never cheat on you." He told me.

I looked at him. "I have heard that, more than once, Matt." I told him. He nodded and sighed. "Look, I didn't kiss her. She kissed me. Alright, I told her I was married and she forced herself on me." He explained.

I shook my head. "If that's the case then why, why did you call me the photographer!" I yelled in heart brokenness pain. "I was angry!" He said in the same tone. "You told me to leave, that this wasn't working! I-I told you I love you and you told me to leave!" I replied.

"And that was a mistake! Please, I love you." He half yelled. I shook my head. "Then you have a really fucking shitty way of showing it, Matt." I said on the verge of more tears.

I hated being mad at him, and it sucked because I love him. I honestly didn't want to fight anymore. But just because I didn't want to fight anymore, doesn't mean it still didn't hurt.

"I apologize! What else? What else do you want for me to do?! I apologize, what else could you possibly want me to do?" He yelled back in question.

I couldn't keep doing this. Running in circles. It's hard being mad at him. Yeah, he hurt me, and yes he apologized, and yes he said he loved me and that I loved him.

The fighting had to stop. I wanted it to stop. I looked at him, dead in the fucking eyes. "Fuck me!" I yelled. I watched as his eyes darkened. Before I could say anything, he had walked over to me and had me pinned against the wall.

He kissed me and I found myself kissing back. His hands adventured around my waist and my hips. I've been in a similar situation with Brian. Except something about this was different.

Matt and I kissed each other hungrily, not like we were two strangers looking for a hookup or anything like that, but it was like we needed each other. Like we couldn't get enough of each other. Like we were magnets drawn towards one another.

Matt's hands roamed my body as my hands went to the hem of his shirt, he simultaneously moving his head to the crook of my neck and kissing it. He got the memo and broke away, pulling his shirt over his head.

I didn't even see where it went, I didn't even care. He went back to kissing me and I felt his hands travel down to my ass. He grabbed my ass and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his torso and my hands went to his hair.

He laid me onto the bed and crawled on top of me. He kissed me again. We both simultaneously worked on getting each others clothes off. And eventually we did.

I watched as Matt looked at me. His eyes were dark and his eyes bored into mine. I stared at him, waiting. He smirked at me. I took the smirk as a warning or a sign and I was right.

I let out a loud gasp and Matt kissed me as he he continued. He pulled away and smiled at me. "I take it your enjoying this." He said roughly. I smiled. "Yes." I said, my breathing heavy.

"Good." Is all he said. I absentmindedly found my hands going to his back. As he and I both enjoyed the pleasure and desire, I dug my nails into his back and dragged them. I looked at Matt to see if it was bothering him.

It didn't look like it was and I physically fucking could not stop myself. "Fuck, Matt!" I moaned. He looked at me. "You think you could moan that little louder for me?" He asked seductively as a smirk formed on his lips.

I smirked back. "Only if you give me a reason to." I said back, using the same tone. And boy did he fucking give me a reason. He took the bandana that he was wearing off his head, I forgot that. I would of taken it off of him. He took my hands and tied them together around the head of the bed.

"Fuck!" I gasped again. I heard Matt groan. I have never heard him make that noise before, but Jesus fuck did I love it.

Eventually we both were done and we laid next to each other. "I'm sorry." We both said at the same time. I looked at him. "I accept your apology" I told him with a smile.

He smiled at me and kissed my forehead. "I accept your apology too, I just don't know what your apologizing for." He told me. I shrugged. "Getting mad." I admitted. He shook his head and grabbed my hand, interlacing our fingers.

"No, you had every right to be mad at me." He stated. I nodded. "I have something for you." Matt said as he got up and and went to find his jeans. He came back and laid next to me again.

"Close your eyes and hold out your hand." He said to me. I closed my eyes and held out my hand. I felt something cold being gently placed in the palm of of my hand. It sounded like two pieces of metal.

"You can open them again." He said to me. I opened my eyes and saw that my rings were in my hand. I looked at Matt. "Can I ask you something?" Matt questioned me.

I nodded. "Want to be wife again? Or because of the fans thinking your my girlfriend, will you marry me?" He asked. I smiled at him. "I'd love to be your wife again, and I'd actually like to enjoy being your fiancé for a bit." I joked as I put my rings back on.

He laughed. "Great. I do love you, y'know." He said. I nodded. "I love you." I stated. I then laughed again. "What's so funny?" He asked me with a smile.

"When Jimmy and I got our tattoos I said that when I was 80 that I'd probably look back and laugh at the tattoos we got. As he said that he'd be there right along with me, saying that if I ever ended up marrying you that he'd be there to kick your ass with his cane." I laughed.

"You gotta love Jimmy." He laughed. I nodded. I told him I was going to go take a shower as I got up and walked to the bathroom.

Don't get me wrong, I'm really fucking happy that Matt and I made up, but I really wasn't fucking expecting us sleeping together being the way we did so.

Now I hoped that nothing else fucks this up.

(A/N: I love this chapter but I'm going to be so honest. I cringed writing half of that. I am not good at writing chapters like this and it honestly makes me kind of uncomfortable, but I write them anyway because I don't think the story would be going the direction I want it to go if that makes sense. Happy reading :)

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