You Can Only Love Someone So Far

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I was driving for what seemed like hours. As I was driving I glanced at the gas gauge and realized I was very close to running on E.

I sighed and drove to a gas station. I got out and pumped my gas. I then walked in and walked around. I grabbed a pint of ice cream, a plastic spoon, and some potato chips.

I walked up to cashier, paying for my stuff and the gas. As I was walking out I ran into someone. I looked up. I'm surprised I'd recognize her. I met the bitch once.


"Oh, it's you, Matt's whore. What happened? Did he finally leave and drop your ass, telling him he loves me and that your were just a game to him?" She taunted.

My eyes narrowed. There's one thing you should never do, and that's piss off a pregnant women. "No." I stated. She crossed her arms and laughed. I wanted to punch her.

"Then what? What happened for your fat ass to be here at midnight, carrying food and crying with streaked makeup?" She said, trying to belittle me. It wasn't going to work. I didn't want to feel sad anymore, so I wasn't going to.

Before I could say anything, my actions took over. I took the bag that held the very frozen pint of ice cream and swung it back as far as I could and then smacked her in the face and head with it.

I hit her so hard that the bag broke and the pint of ice cream fell to the ground. Her head went to the side and she grabbed her face, it looks like she was going to come towards me, but as soon as I spoke, she stopped.

"I'm fucking pregnant, you fucking manipulating head case bitch. I don't know what your fucking issues are, but you should of gotten the memo that Matt doesn't fucking like you anymore when you two fucking broke up in the first place! And let's not forget that you also should of gotten the memo when you tried to get with him at that Avenged show a few months ago. Matt thinks you are fucking insane. And treating me the way you have been treating me and following him around like a lost sick puppy? It's fucking pathetic. Now whether you like it or not, Matt and I our married, we love each other, and we are having a baby. Grow the fuck up and act like an adult for once. Enough time has fucking passed so stop being a selfish self-centered bitch, and fucking move on! Matt has!" I stated, sort of yelling at her.

She needed a reality check and I figured it would hit her where it hurts if it came from me.  Her eyes went wide and her her mouth was hanging open. I smiled and sighed, not saying anything, instead I bent down and picked up my ice cream, walking back to my car without a word from her or myself.

She continued to stand there dumbfounded.

I got into the car and put my stuff in the passenger seat. I got the last one on that. That's for fucking sure. I don't think I would of done that if I wasn't pregnant though, pregnancy hormones could either be a blessing or a curse. They just worked in my favor though and I was glad.

Before I left, I put my hand on my stomach. "We should go home now. We need it." I whispered to myself, hoping that the baby could hear me.

As I drove I ate my ice cream. I didn't care if it was getting melted. I decided to stop at the beach. I threw my trash away and grabbed my camera.

I took off my shoes and walked into the sand. I took a few 'selfies' of myself. This was nice. But I needed Matt.

I'd call one of the guys, Gena, or Lacey, but I was so pissed off and felt betrayed earlier, that as I was throwing my shit into my suitcase, I didn't grab my phone.

I decided to stay on the beach for a few hours, deep in thought. I hated how I ended up at the beach alone, we'll sort of alone. I needed it though, time to myself. Time to think.

I laid on my back and but one of my arms under my head and the other on my stomach, I was staring at the starts.

Love. Love is a weird thing. And so is the ways you find it. People say they love their significant others to whatever great extent, like saying 'I love you thiiisss much' with your arms extended as far as they can go without them breaking.

But you can only love someone so far. No matter how much you love them. With Matt and I, our love started out as hate, but how we got here? To being completely in love with each other? Was complicated as hell.

I don't think I'd change it though. We were together now and that's what mattered. You can only love someone so far, but what if forever is how far your willing to love them?

I couldn't leave Matt. I just couldn't. I did earlier, but even then I knew I'd come back. I knew how far I loved him. I guess that it's just the fact that both of us have past's we aren't happy with.

I sighed and continued to think. I loved Matt as far as forever would let me. I brought my hand that was on my stomach up to my face. I could barley see it.

I looked at my engagement ring, the one that Matt had gotten me. If I truly was going to leave him and we ended up getting divorced, I would of taken it off and threw it at him, similar to the very first fight we had.

That was also caused by that crazy bitch Angela. I smiled and decided to look at the stars and lay on the beach longer.

You can only love someone so far. I continued to smile to myself and returned my hand to my stomach. "Ain't that the truth." I said happily to myself as I laid there for what seemed like hours.

You Can Only Love Someone So Far//Avenged Sevenfold •M.Shadows•Where stories live. Discover now