Anthony, Another Half of My Hell on Earth

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(Ima be so honest here...I didn't know how to write this chapter, so if it's absolute dog shit, I apologize :)

It's been a few days since Matt proposed to me and we were still in Seattle. Today, we had half of the day off and then a show tonight.

Matt and I were walking down the sidewalk hand in hand. We were spending the day together. "Has Seattle been kind to you since we've got here?" He questioned.

"I mean, yeah. No shit has hit the fan." I said. Matt laughed. "Let's be glad for that." I nodded. "Very."

We weren't really planning on going anywhere. We just wanted away from the guys. "I have a question." Matt asked as we turned a corner. "Yes?"

"Do you want to have a wedding?" He asked me. I shrugged and turned my head towards him. "Do you want a wedding?" I asked him back. "If that's what you want, I've never had one." He said.

"My wedding sucked." I said with a laugh.

"Our wedding won't suck." Matt said with a smile. I laughed and smiled at him. "Then I guess we're having a wedding."

He pulled me to him and kissed the top of my head. We were walking past an ally way when I felt someone grab my arm really hard and yank me away from Matt and into the alley.

"Delilah!" Matt yelled as he looked at me with fear and worry in his eyes. I tried to get away but their grip tightened. "We have some catching up to do." The person said. I felt my world start spinning and the color drain from my face.


I looked at Matt. I was terrified. Before I knew it I was freaking out and on the verge of a panic attack or something. And then I fainted.

When I woke up, I tried to move, but I couldn't. I opened my eyes more and realized I had no idea where I was. The last thing I remembered was Matt looking at me and yelling my name.

What the hell happened? I couldn't figure anything out before I fell unconscious again. Great.

(Matt's pov)

I woke up to someone shaking me. It was an older guy, asking to see if I was okay. I was leaned up against a brick building and my face fucking hurt. My eyes went wide. Then I remembered what happened. I got up and didn't know what to do.

Someone fucking took Delilah. I decided to go back to the bus frantically. I pushed through the door immediately. Everyone was there, the girls, the guys, our manager.

"Dude what the hell happened, you look like shit." Jimmy said. I looked at all of them trying to find the words to tell them what happened.

I didn't say anything. I just fucking stood there like an idiot.

"Matt? Are you okay?" Johnny asked. I looked at them and I couldn't anymore. "I've never seen him like ever." Brian said. Zacky looked at me. He knew something was wrong.

"Matt, where's Delilah?" Lacey asked me. My eyes softened and I looked at all of them. I thought I was fucking crying. They all looked at me waiting for an answer. "S-someone took her." I managed to get out.

Their eyes all went wide. "Someone took her?" Brian questioned. I ran my hand down my face. "Yeah, some fuck face took her and knocked me out." I told them.

"I'm calling 911." Lacey said immediately. I nodded and sunk down on the couch, putting my head in my hands. Someone took Delilah. Someone took my wife. If something fucking happened to her, I couldn't deal with that.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked up to see Lacey. She handed the phone to me, saying the police needed all the information they could get. I sighed and took the phone.

I told them everything I could. What happened, what venue we were at, everything I could think of to find Delilah. They said they'd ask me more questions when they got here and that they were sending a couple of officers to the venue.

I sighed and gave the phone back to Lacey. We had to go to soundcheck. Fuck that. We all walked into the venue. The guys got their instruments and shit and I stood in front of the microphone.

Yeah we were supposed to be rehearsing and shit, but none of us did anything. We just stood there, staring out into the empty venue and at each other. I shook my head.

I was kicked out of my thoughts when I heard the venue door open. A couple of police officers walking in and asking for me. I nodded and we went to the dressing room.

I sat down in chair. "So you told the dispatcher that your girlfriend was taken, correct?" He asked me. "Technically she's my's very confusing. Please find her." I said.

He nodded. "We'll do everything we can to find her." He then proceeded to ask me even more questions. Eventually he got enough information and the rest of the officers left, going to find Delilah.

The one who talked to me stayed at the Venue.

I didn't really feel like playing tonight, but I also didn't want to let down all of our fans. I decided to talk to Brian. "Hey, man." He said soflty. I nodded. "Hey...are we still playing the show?" I questioned.

Brian shrugged his shoulders. "Delilah's missing, and we have a venue filled with a lot of fucking fans. We obviously care about Delilah and we obviously care about the fans...I don't know what to do, truthfully I don't know what the fuck to do." Brian explained.

Just then Zacky and Johnny along with Jimmy, Lacey, and Gena came down the hallway. I asked them what we should do.

"I have an idea." Jimmy said. I nodded waiting for him to continue. "We still play the show alright, but before we do talk to the fans, explain the situation. Our fans are very understanding, and they're fucking amazing for that. And with Del Del missing...we did our part, the men in the uniforms are doing what they can to find her, okay?" Jimmy stated.

He was right. I sighed and we started walking to the stage. The guys all ran out and fans screamed. Before I ran out, I glanced down at my hand and saw the ring I still wore on my finger. I forgot about it.

Please be okay. I told myself. I then entered the stage. I explained best I could what had happened and then we started our first song Dear God.

Dear God, please be okay.

(End of Matt's pov)

I woke up again. I thought I could hear music being played in the background, but I was probably imagining it. My eyes focused and I looked down. I was tied to a chair by ankles and my wrists.

It looked like we were in a storage unit, or a garage or something, i couldn't tell. I stopped worrying about that when I heard a door open from behind me. I froze again and soon enough his face came back into my sight as he stood in front of me.

I froze. "Long time no see Delilah." He said. I didn't say anything. That earned me a punch to the face. "Fuck off." Is all I said. And then I got another one. And another one. "You'll never leave me again, got it?" Anthony scolded.

As this was happening I heard the music again. I then remembered the guys had a show tonight. Good, I told Matt to not let things get fucked up on tour because of me.

As Anthony was giving me hell, I listened to the music I could barely hear.

Dear God, the only thing I ask if you is to hold her when I'm not around when I'm much to far away

That's when I lost it. The sadness and the anger I managed to get away from all came back to me. I could feel the tears start because of it. It wasn't just the sadness though and the situation I was in.

It was the fact I was away from Matt, my friends, my family.

Please find me, please fucking find me.

I hoped, hoping it wouldn't fall on deaf ears.

I couldn't take the punches anymore and I could feel something coming out of my nose. When it reached my mouth I tasted blood, great. I couldn't take anymore and I fell unconscious again.

Anthony, the other half of my hell on Earth

(A/N: I didn't know how to write this chapter and I deeply apologize if it's dog shit, but nonetheless I hope you enjoy future chapters :)

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