Delilah Ross

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It was 2008, I was moving to Huntington Beach, California. I had to get the fuck out of Seattle. I ditched everything, I had no choice. God, I'm never fucking falling for anyone ever again. I mean that this time. One divorce and one shitty ex boyfriend later.

Photography, my escape. When everything that happened and all the shit I've been through, reasons why I left Seattle, I applied to a bunch of places that were looking for a professional photographer, getting me as far from Seattle as I could go with the budget I had.

This bands manager emailed me and told me that they needed a photographer for them. I took it as soon I heard they were in Huntington Beach. I already shipped the things I couldn't fit into a suitcase and packed everything up and boarded a plane, not saying goodbye to anyone, I don't think they'd miss me anyway, I knew they fucking wouldn't.

The manager said that the record company would provide me with a place to stay. I couldn't argue with that.  I sat on the plane, Pantera blasting through my headphones.

'this is a good thing, Delilah, a fresh start.' I mentally told myself as I closed my eyes. I eventually got off the plane and found a guy holding a sign with my name on it. "You must be Delilah Ross." The guy said. I nodded.

He then told me I'd meet the band as soon as I was settled. He drove me to my new place. It was a nice house, and it didn't cost me a fucking dime. I told the manager that he could call the band over while I got myself a shower and a change of clothes, he nodded and did just that.

I'm glad my speakers for my surround sound system didn't get damaged in shipping. I put music on and got my shower. I was in the middle of listening too Wait and Bleed by Slipknot, it playing really loud all over the house. I let the water hit my face once more before I turned the water off and grabbed a towel.

I was waking into my room when the song changed to Raining Blood by Slayer. I smiled, I loved this song. I got dressed and headed downstairs, mouthing the words along to the song.

I was just about to walk down the last steps when I heard a voice. "She likes Slipknot and Slayer, I like her already." The voice said. I rolled my eyes. People's personalities are more than what type of fucking music they listen too.

I stepped on the last step and entered the living room, where I was met with 5 guys and of course their manager. I walked around them to turn off the music, I felt their gazes follow me.

I stood there in front of them, not sure what to say. "Guys, this is Delilah, hopefully, she'll be your guys' photographer. Delilah, this Avenged Sevenfold, the band I told you about when I emailed you." He said. I nodded.

I crossed my arms. They all were staring at me intensely. A couple of them wearing smirks on their faces. I rolled my eyes. "So, you guys have names?" I asked them.

They all nodded but didn't say anything. I shook my head and sighed. "What are they?" I asked, wanting to be over with this shit. The one in the middle went first. "I'm Jimmy, or for the band, I'm The Rev." I nodded. They had stage names for Christ sake.

The second one next to him then went. "I'm Zacky Vengeance." He said. I wanted to laugh, but I didn't, I'd do that in my free time. "I'm Brian or Synyster Gates." The other one on the other side of Jimmy said. I actually liked his name, it sounded Hellish.

I looked next to Zacky and saw a short guy, he then spoke. "I'm Johnny Christ." He said. I nodded. "What about you, Mr. 'I wear sunglasses inside cause it's cool." I asked sarcastically. But I wasn't finished yet. Right after I said that I said something else. "Trust me Dimples, they aren't Fucking cool." I said staring at his obvious smirk."

The guys laughed and I watched as his smirk faded and his dimples disappeared, he looked mad. I laughed. "Chill out, I'm just fucking with you, life's boring, I was bored. I'm sorry, alright?" I shrugged. "Oh, she's funny." Jimmy said, grinning.

"You're name?" I asked him again. He actually answered this time. "Matt, or M. Shadows." He told me. "Nice." I said. "You guys get to know each other, I have a meeting." And just like that their manager was gone and I was alone in my new house with 5 strangers who I only knew the careers and names of.

"Make yourselves at home or fuckwhat." I said. They all walked over to the couch and sat down. "I'm going to be really honest here, I don't know who does what in the band, and I sure as hell have never heard of you guys or your music." I told them.

"I'm actually surprised that our manager didn't tell you who we were when he emailed you." Johnny said. I nodded. "Anyway, I play bass." He continued. I nodded again, after Seattle, I wanted to keep things to myself. He looked like the type of person to play bass.

"Awesome, bass is my favorite instrument." I told them. "And why is that?" Synyster asked me. I smirked. "Because, have you fucking heard or played a bass guitar before? I believe they're an intimate instrument."

"Take Mötley Crüe or whatever, listen to the bass, it sounds deep, it sounds fucking meaningful. You like, feel it in your soul." I said seriously. "I think someone has a crush on Delilah." Jimmy said, looking at Johnny whose mouth was in a giant grin. "Hey, no, she's just offense." Johnny said.

I shook my head and laughed. "None taken. I'm only 20 and I've already been divorced, I don't need a fucking nother one anyway." I said shaking my head. They're eyes went wide.

"You've been married?" Matt asked. I nodded and laughed. "A fucking mistake. It was high school sweetheart bullshit and fuck not, I'm serious, whoever fucking convinced me to get married at 17, needs there goddamn head examined. I lost almost two good years of my life thanks to that." I ranted.

"Woah." Jimmy said. "...heavy." He continued. I shrugged. "That's just life, shit happens, you laugh, you cry, then one day you forget to breath and then you die." I said. "You say shit how it is." Zacky said nodding.

I nodded back. "Pretty much." I answered. "What about you, Zacky, what do you do?" I asked him. He told me he played guitar along with Synyster Gates. That left Matt and Jimmy. Jimmy said he drummed, which meant Dimples was the singer.

"I wanna hear some of your shit." I told them. They nodded and did just that.

You Can Only Love Someone So Far//Avenged Sevenfold •M.Shadows•Where stories live. Discover now