Crazy and Crazier

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I had just walked into the tattoo place. "What can I help you with?" One of the artists there asked me. "I guess I'm here to get a tattoo." I said, my voice shaky.

She nodded and led me to a tattoo chair. "So, what do you plan on getting?" She asked as she sat on the stool waiting for my reply. "I honestly don't know. This is a spur of the moment type of thing." I shrugged.

She nodded. "So, what are you into?" She questioned. "I like music...y'know Pantera?" I questioned back. She smiled and nodded. I couldn't help but smile. We then sat there, brainstorming ideas.

I ended up getting lyrics from their song Cemetery Gates.

The love our souls had sworn to make

Now I watch the falling rain

I loved the song, and they were my favorite lyrics. The way I interpreted them, was that souls find each other, typical soulmate BS, but mine wasn't dead and I knew I didn't find mine yet. It's the same thing. If you don't have a soulmate, it feels like either they're dead or you are. So, now I watch the falling rain.

I got the tattoo on both my arms. On the inside of my upper arm above where my elbow folds. I got the first half of the lyrics on my right, and the other half on my left. "Do you like them?" The tattoo artist asked.

I nodded with a smile. "I know it's not my place, but, are you okay? You seem tense." She said. "I've been through a lot the last couple weeks." Which was half true. I've been through a lot the last 10 years of my fucking life.

"I have another idea." I told her. She smiled and nodded. Here's to saying fuck it.

(No one's pov)

Everyone decided to go back to the hotel. Brian and Matt were taking Lacey's lecture seriously. They had today off, but no one felt like drinking or doing the normal shit they usually do.

Half the reason is because of what happened with Delilah. The other half was what was happening between Brian and Matt. The whole band was tense.

No one said anything, Jimmy didn't even crack any jokes. Matt went to his room, Zacky and Gena went to theirs, Brian went to his room, and Lacey and Johnny went to theirs.

Jimmy didn't go to his room. He wanted to look for Delilah, so that's what he did. Jimmy didn't really have any friends except for the guys and it's been that way for awhile. People thought he was too eccentric, too loud, too crazy.

Delilah joked with him and joined in with his weirdness. He walked out of the hotel and set off to find what would soon become one of his bestest friends.

He was walking down the street in the direction that Delilah went when she left the diner earlier. He was coming up on a tattoo place when someone that was walking out of it ran into him.

He looked down and smiled. "Jimmy?" It was Delilah. Jimmy put his arms up in the air. "DELILAH!" He said loudly and happily. He was happy that it made Delilah laugh.

(End of no one's pov)

Besides the Pantera lyrics, I decided to get my parent's birthdates and death dates. On the top of my left wrist I got my dads birthday and the day he died.

December 29th, 1970 ~ August 2, 2006

On the top of my right wrist I got the same thing.

October 14th, 1971 ~ April 10th, 1999

I paid with my recent pay from taking pictures of the guys. I thanked the artist and she said no problem. I walked out and as I was doing so, I ran into someone. I looked up. Jimmy.

You Can Only Love Someone So Far//Avenged Sevenfold •M.Shadows•Where stories live. Discover now