Lone Wolves

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Yesterday was the first night that the guys stayed with me since everything with Michael went down. Last night Matt ended up making something that had chicken in it. It wasn't that bad.

The guys stayed up late goofing off and fucking around. I sat on the couch shaking my head. All of a sudden though, I had the urge to puke and damn did it fucking happen.

I sat up immediately on the couch. "Whoa, Del, are you okay?" Brian asked from beside me. I felt what I ate for dinner making its way back up. I quickly got up and ran up the stairs and to my room with my hand over my mouth the whole way.

When I entered the bathroom, I rushed over to the toilet and let happen what was pretty much already happening. 'What the fuck' I thought to myself. I feared for the worst, well it would be the worst for me. I shook my head. I convinced myself I was just nervous. I'd eventually learn, that that wasn't the case.

I thought it would never end.

(Matt's pov)

"Matt did you poison her?" Jimmy asked jokingly. I shook my head. "No, I didn't poison her. Anybody else notice she's been sick basically since she got here?" I asked them.

They all shook their heads. "I'm going to go check on her." I told them as I got up and started towards the stairs. I called out her name, but instead of an answer, all I heard was groaning.

I entered the bathroom and saw Delilah, she wasn't ugly normally, but right now, you could tell she didn't feel good. She wasn't ugly now either, she was pretty. I walked over to her. "Are you okay?" I asked her. She shook her head no.

"Is it what I made?" I asked. She shrugged. "I have no idea." She croaked. Eventually she was done. She sat crisscrossed on her bathroom floor, I sat across from her.

"You okay now?" I asked. She nodded. "I swear to god." She said shaking her head. "What?" I questioned. She shook her head again. "It-it doesn't matter."

I decided not to get mad or to try and get her to tell me what was wrong. The guys and I learned a lot the other day. She told me she was going to sleep so I went back downstairs and told the guys.

I hated to admit it, but I was fucking worried about her.

(End of Matt's pov)

It was now early the next morning, I woke up with a fucking wicked ass stomachache. I wasn't doing anything today. Lazy day hopefully, depending on what the guys want to do.

Last night when I had gotten sick, Matt came to check on me. I'm not gunna lie, it did surprise me a little that he checked on me, but apart of me was glad that it was him that came to see if I was okay.

I was still in my pajamas and I had just walked down the stairs. The guys were already up. "I am not going anywhere or doing anything today." I told them. "How come?" Jimmy asked. "I feel like shit." I said as I put my hand on my stomach as it started hurting for no reason.

I shook my head. "Maybe you should go to the doctor." Brian suggested. I shook my head. "I-I've had stomach bugs before, it will go away eventually, hopefully before we leave for tour." I explained. Realistically, I had doubt that this was a stomach ache, but I sure hoped it was.

We were leaving for tour tomorrow. I hoped that this was just a stomach bug. They said that they didn't really have anything planned for the day anyway. I grabbed a blanket and claimed a spot on the couch.

"Did you guys eat breakfast?" I asked them. They shook their heads no. I smiled. "Y'know, we should get food." I said. They nodded. "Well what does everyone want?" Johnny asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "I could go for anything." I answered. Everyone answered the same thing.

Johnny and Zacky then left to get food. "I'm actually surprised that you guys are staying with me, do any of you have personal lives? Girlfriends?...Boyfriends?" I asked.

Jimmy laughed at that. I put my hands up defensively. "Hey, I don't discriminate." I said. Brian shook his head. "Johnny has a girlfriend and so does Zacky." Brian told me. "So you guys are lone wolves basically." I stated.

"Now, I wouldn't say that, exactly." Matt smirked. "Hey, I'm mighty fine by myself. I have the ducks in life to keep me company." Jimmy said. I looked at him, he was an interesting person.

I then looked between Matt and Brian. "I so do not need to hear about your guys' sex lives." I told them, reacting to what Matt had said, shaking my head. Jimmy laughed and I looked over at Brian. Brian was smirking now. "You probably couldn't handle 'em anyway." He challenged.

That earned another laugh from Jimmy and a high five from Matt. Men are weird. I looked between them and smirked. "Would you like to test that theory?" I watched as their two smirks faded and get replaced with wide eyes.

Jimmy was laughing hysterically. "Holy shit! She bites back!" I laughed as well. Eventually, Brian and Matt joined in. As we were laughing and goofing off, my phone started ringing.

I answered it. It was Johnny. It was a short phone call, he just wanted to know if it was okay if he brought his girlfriend. I didn't care so I told him it was fine. He then told me he'd be there shortly.

"Zacky and Johnny are on the way back, and Johnny is bringing his girlfriend." I told the three. Brian nodded. "I think you'll like her. Plus you'll have a friend beside us guys to talk to." He told me I nodded.

"Yeah, but until then, the four of us are just lone wolves." I said laughing. Jimmy high-fived me for that one.

(A/N: I don't know if things about their personal lives are true or not...I don't pay attention to every detail about their personal lives, but I used google and it's my best friend...happy reading:)

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