Everyone Needs a Synyster Gates in Their Life

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I never did go back to sleep, I just laid there silently. After an hour of me sulking, I said fuck it and got up. I am not going to let this shit ruin my day or life anymore. Yes it's fucking hard, and yes it's fucking draining, and I may fall throughout this, but I hate being sad.

I threw the blankets off of me, and went downstairs. I found the guys gone. The only one here was Syn. "Hey." He said softly when he saw me. "Hey, where'd everyone else go?" I asked as I sat next to him on the couch.

"I am going to be truthful to you." He started. I nodded, wondering where this conversation was going to go. "The guys and I are worried about you..I'm worried about you." He said. I shook my head. "Don't be, it's my past. I'm okay." I told him. I was lying, but sometimes to make yourself feel a little okay, you gotta fake it till you make.

"Delilah...the things you guys were arguing about aren't things that should be taken fucking lightly." He continued. "Brian, listen, I may not be one hundred percent okay, but I promise that if I do need someone to talk, I'll come to you." He nodded.

"You're our friend, we want to make sure you're fine." He said. I nodded and I didn't say anything. He continued. "And because we're worried about you, the guys and I want to stay here until tour starts...if your fine with it." He finished.

I thought for a minute. "Honestly? You five idiots are the only friends I've got here. If Matt doesn't pull anymore dick shit then it's fine, just now instead of being stuck with you guys on a tour bus for a few months, I'll also be stuck with you idiots for a few days before we actually leave." I said sarcastically.

"Good, cause the guys are getting their stuff." Brian said. "Now I'm going to be truthful to you." I told Brian. "I will not need you-Mr. Synyster Gates, Johnny Christ, Zacky V, The Rev, or fucking M. Shadows to catch me every single time I fall. Yeah, it's nice to want to see if I'm okay, but please for the love of god, do not be helicopter friends. I am not a damsel in distress." I explained.

Syn held hands up. "Understandable." He said. I laughed. "Thanks though, for making sure I'm okay, I appreciate it." I told him as I hugged him. It took him a minute but I felt his arms hug my back. "Now, I'm gunna go take a shower. Don't break anything or die." I told him as I broke the hug. He laughed.

Before I left, I turned on some music and went up the stairs.

As I showered, I realized something I kind of hated myself for. I think I liked Brian. I mean how could someone not? I know I haven't known him that long. I've known him and the guys for a solid three days.

He was nice to me. He was kind and he seemed to really care about me, and plus, he looks fucking hot. Everyone needs a Synyster Gates in their life. I then shook my head. 'You can't be doing that Delilah, he could hurt you.' I told myself.

At least we were friends. I continued my shower as I listened along to the music that was playing. After my shower, I got dressed and went back downstairs. The guys were back now, Syn was gone. "Hey shitheads." I said to them as I turned off the music and sat on the couch.

"Hey." Johnny said. "When Brian gets back, I'm taking your guy's pictures." I said with a smile. "Are you okay?" Matt asked. I rolled my eyes. "I'm gunna tell you what I told Brian." I said to them. They didn't say anything so I continued.

I said it mostly to Matt. "I will not need you, Mr. M. Shadows, Zacky V, Jonny Christ, Synyster Gates, or The Rev to catch me every single fucking time I fall. Yeah, it's nice to want to see if I'm okay, but please for the love of god, do not be helicopter friends. I am not a fucking damsel in distress." I explained.

They nodded. "Never said you fucking were." Matt told me. I nodded and smiled, let's fucking keep it that way." I told him. Eventually Syn came back. I grabbed my camera and the six of us went on a walk.

I kept making the guys stop in front of different places so I could take pictures of them. I took pictures of them together as a band and then I did individual pictures of each of them. I even took pictures of them doing stupid shit.

Eventually I had a good spread out of pictures. We decided to start walking back to my house when it started getting dark. I offered the guys rooms, but they said they'd be fine sleeping in the living room. I shrugged and left it at that.

"Do you guys want food?" I asked them. They nodded and I walked to the kitchen. I didn't know what to make. I needed someone else's opinion. "Hey Shadz?!" I yelled from the kitchen. I figured I'd ask him, he helped me cook the other day.

"Uh oh, looks like Matt got himself in trouble." I heard Johnny joke. I rolled my eyes and watched as he walked into the kitchen. "What?" He asked. "I don't know what to fucking make." I told him.

He shoved my out of the kitchen. "Guess Shadows is in charge now." I said sitting next to Jimmy. They laughed. As Matt was making whatever it was that he was making, I couldn't help but look across from me on the couch.

Synyster Gates. I stared at him. There's was something about him. I tore my gaze away and told the guys I was going up stairs to edit the pictures I took. They nodded and I went up stairs.

I looked at the pictures of the guys, they were fine, then I looked at the pictures of them individually. None of them were ugly. I just, like Synyster for some reason. I then looked at Matt's individual picture. I didn't really notice he looked like that. Maybe because I hated him and he was a dick to me, but Jesus Christ was he hot too.

Now I had problem. I have a thing for Gates and now I think I'm pretty sure I'm starting to get a thing for Shadows too. Fuck.

(A/N: I know this is an M. Shadows story, but like, Synyster Gates. Need I say more? Delilah will most likely end up with Matt, but I want to see what happens when she likes them both and if anything will happen between her and Brian first. Happy reading :)

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