This Is a Good Thing...Right?

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It was a week later and I had been at Matt's for about 3 days. He made sure I felt welcome. Made extra room in the bathroom, his-our room, the closet, dresser. He even let me decorate the house.

Of course what he had already matched me, he let me add my guitars and pictures and other stuff around the house. This was a good life. Better than the bullshit in Seattle.

Matt and I we're currently getting ready to have our first get together. The guys, Lacey and Gena. I will admit that I haven't been feeling the best for a few days.

I didn't know why, but I had a feeling. I sighed and looked at Matt. "Are you okay?" He asked me as he carried a bunch of stuff outside to the backyard. I followed after him. "Yeah...I'm just happy." I said, putting on a facade.

Now, I wasn't putting on a front to make it seem like I was happy. I was happy, extremely happy. I was just worried. Ever since I got to Huntington California, stomach aches and nausea were bad luck on my front.

But now? I shook my head and stopped thinking about it, or tried to. I sat down by the pool and Matt looked at me concerned. "Are you sure your okay?" He questioned.

I looked at him, he was standing by me now. I didn't see or hear him walk over to me. "Yeah...yeah, I'm going to call Lacey." I said as I got up.

I was turning to leave to walk into the house, but Matt grabbed my hand gently. I turned around. "Baby, you can talk to me." He said, speaking softly again.

I smiled and I felt my eyes start stinging. Was I really starting to fucking cry? I sniffled and wiped my eyes. I had no idea why I was falling apart right now. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm gunna go call Lacey...s-see when she and Johnny will be here...then I might call Gena." I said as I took a deep breathe in and turned around, walking away as Matt's hand fell gently from my hand.

"Delilah, wait." He said. I didn't say anything, instead I sped walked up to the back door and into the house. I did that until I reached the stairs and the bathroom. I could hear Matt following but before he could stop me I got into the bathroom and shut the door, locking it.

I don't think Matt would of opened the door if I didn't lock it, but he was worried about me.

"Delilah. Please tell me what's wrong?" He asked from the other side of the bathroom door. "Nothing, I just...don't feel well." I admitted. Please tell me he wouldn't ask me anymore questions.

"What's up?" He questioned. I sighed. "I'm fine, I just needed to use the bathroom. Okay, I promise...I'm fine." I stated as I paced back and forth in the bathroom.

I heard him let out a loud sigh of defeat.
"Alright, if you need anything I'll either be downstairs or outside...I love you." I answered back with an I love you and heard him walk away and down the stairs.

With now shaky hands I dialed Lacey's number.

(On the phone)

"Hey, Johnny and I were just about to leave." She said, being the first one of either of us to say anything.

I started crying. "Shit, Delilah are you okay?" She asked me. I shook my head, forgetting that she wasn't here in the bathroom with me. "D-do you remember the last time I called you....crying?" I questioned.

The line went silent for a few seconds. "Yeah, what's the matt-oh my god." She said, interrupting herself as she finally figured out why I was calling.

"Delilah, I'll be there soon, and I'll get you what you need." She said matter of factly. "Okay. I'll see you soon." I said as I sniffled and hung up. I rubbed my forehead with my hand, and put my phone down.

You Can Only Love Someone So Far//Avenged Sevenfold •M.Shadows•Where stories live. Discover now