I Hope You Get All That You Want And Wish For

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The day I told Matt about the baby, we decided to have all the guys over to announce it to them. So, that's what we we were doing.

We invited the guys and gals over. The only thing we told them was that we wanted everyone together before the wedding so we could give them invitations.

Which was true. We were sitting in the backyard. Jimmy was running up to me with two beer bottles in his hands. "Del Del!" He said as he ran up to me, holding out one of the beer bottles.

I looked at him. "Jimmy, whats this for?" I asked as he confused to hold out one the bottles. "We're celebrating! You and Shadz are getting married in a month! Take a beer, celebrate!" Jimmy yelled excitedly.

I looked at him. "I shouldn't." I told him. He frowned. Matt walked up to us. "How come?" He asked as Matt took the beer from The Rev. "I'll drink for her." Matt said with a smile. I laughed.

"Delilah, you should have a beer, we are celebrating you and Matt." Brian said through clenched teeth. I wonder what was up with him. He's been acting weird.

I glanced at Matt, hoping he would see this as the time to tell them. Matt helped me up and he wrapped an arm around my waist as we stood in front of  and around our friends.

"We have to tell you guys something." I admitted. They looked at us confused. Lacey and Gena looked like they knew what was up. I smiled. "I'd drink, Jimmy, I would, but I can't...not for about 9 months." I said.

Johnny's eyes went wide. "I don't, I don't understand, Del Del." Jimmy said. I looked at him. "There's a baby. Matt and I we're having-" Matt cut me off. "Either a little M. Shadows or a little Delilah." He said.

I laughed at that. "As long as the kid has your dimples we will be fine." I told him. I looked at Brian. He has been distant recently. Not just from me, but the guys too. He seemed pissed.

I wonder why. The guys hugged me, Brian gave me an awkward side hug that really wasn't anything at all. I was confused, and a little hurt. A little hurt that one of my best friends, someone who I considered family wasn't excited that two of his best friends were starting a family.

I was talking to Gena and Lacey and when I noticed that Matt and Brian had wondered off. I had to know what the fuck the problem was.

I followed them into the house and stopped right outside of the place in the house where the living room is. It sounded like Matt and Brian were arguing about something.

Curiosity got the best of me and I eavesdropped. "How could you fucking do that? Y'know, I promised I wasn't gunna say anything, but I've already hurt her enough. And you, you doing this? Matt, she has a right to know. She's fucking married to you and is having your kid." Brian said pissed off.

I wonder what they were talking about. What did Matt do? "I didn't do it on fucking purpose alright! She was just...there when we started recording the album the other day and...no matter what I did and who I fucking did it with, I love Delilah, I'm fucking in love with Delilah." I heard Matt say.

I could feel my heart physically breaking when I heard him say that, I was just waiting for one of them to say the words. It didn't matter if Brian or Matt said them, the words still mean the same regardless of whose mouth they fucking fall from. That's the truth.

"You cheated on your wife." Brian said in disbelief. I felt my eyes sting with tears and I shook my head, placing a hand on my stomach. Here goes my world, fucking crashing down.

"I didn't fucking cheat on Delilah, god, I'd never fucking do that! Angela knew what she was doing. That manipulating lying bitch always fucks shit up." Matt said.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I decided to make my presence known. I stepped into the living room and cleared my throat. Brian and Matt's expressions both softened as they saw me.

"Delilah.." Matt said as he started walking over to me, reaching out to put a hand my shoulder. I moved out of his way so he couldn't. "Don't. Do not fucking touch me." I told him.

"Just, please let me explain." He stated. Brian just stood there. "Explain what to me Matt. That you cheated on me? With your exe?" I stated. I was gutted, I was betrayed.

He shook his head. "God, no. I'd never fucking do that. Never. We were at the recording studio the other day right, Angela fucking shows up out of now where and did exactly the same thing she did last time. I pushed her away! I don't like her. I can't fucking stand her. I love you and only you...well, and our baby." He said.

I looked at Brian and then back to Matt. "Then how come you told Brian not to tell me?" I asked. "I didn't want to scare you and I didn't want things to get fucked...and Brian took it the wrong way too. I just-I can't lose you." He ranted.

I looked into his eyes. I couldn't tell what he was feeling. I sighed and mentally prepared myself for what I was about to say. I hated it had to be said and done, but it did.

I shook my head. "I can't, not now. I-I'm sorry." I say as I run out of the living room and up the stairs. I frantically put my hands on either side of my head and look around the room.

I dragged my suitcase out of the closet and then frantically started grabbing clothes and shoving them in. Things would be okay. But right now, I couldn't be around him.

I zipped up my suitcase and grabbed my camera. I walked out the room and down the stairs swiftly. "Delilah. Wait!" Matt said. I shook my head and headed out the backdoor.

I didn't care that the rest of the guys were there anymore, I just needed away. "I can't, Matt!" I yelled back in frustration and betrayal. I could feel everyone's eyes on us. "It wasn't like that!" He yelled back, pleading.

I probably looked a messed. I had my suitcase in one hand, my eyes teary eyed and my make up streaked. "Please don't go." He said softly. I shook my head. I know this wouldn't be the end of us, but I wasn't thinking and I'm pretty sure my stupid pregnancy hormones were messing with me.

I hated what fell from my lips next. "I hope you get everything you want and wish for." I told him teary eyed. He didn't say anything. No one said anything. No one moved. I then walked away, glad no one was coming after me.

I walked through the gate of the backyard and to the driveway. I put my suitcase inside and started the car. I sat in the drivers seat, my hands on the wheel. This is probably the only fucking relationship that I will ever come back to. That I ever wanted to come back to.

I sniffled and put the car in reverse, pulling out of the driveway, putting it in drive and then going down the road. To where? I have no idea.

I looked back at the house through the rear view mirror, a few more tears falling from my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Matt." I whispered as my voice cracked. I really was sorry. For a lot of it.


(No one's pov)

Everyone just watched Matt and Delilah fight. Then they all watched Delilah leave, suitcase in hand.

Jimmy looked Matt. He had tears in his eyes and it looked like he was going to fucking fall. Instead, he walked into the house without a word and to the kitchen.

He poured himself a drink, and turned to look at the fridge. He brought his hand up and brushed over the ultrasound picture that he and Delilah hung up.

"I'm sorry Delilah." He told himself. The days without Delilah would be absolute torture to him.

The days without Matt would be absolute torture to her...

to them.

(A/N: Matt sucks this chapter but don't fret, things get better. After I finish this book I will start my Synyster Gates book. Also, sorry for taking forever to post. I started school last week and someone in my family passed away so I've been taking some time. Once again, sorry for any inconveniences and happy reading:)

You Can Only Love Someone So Far//Avenged Sevenfold •M.Shadows•Where stories live. Discover now