And You Lost Me

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I woke up to an arm around my waist. I knew it was Matt. And I was glad that we both could actually remember what happened last night. We didn't sleep together, I wanted to go slow. I didn't want anything to get fucked up.

I got up and yawned. "Delilah?" Matt questioned half awake. "Yes?" I said, turning around and looking at him. "Where are you going?" He questioned. I looked at him. Getting ready for the day. "You have a show tonight and soundcheck in a few hours." I told him.

"Dammit." He said as he sat up and started going through his suitcase. I laughed. "You'll be fine." I told him. "Hey, I have a question." He asked out of nowhere. "I'm listening." I answered him.

"Would you like to go on a date with me after I get dressed?" He asked me. I smiled. "How kind of you." I said. He laughed and started walking towards the bathroom. "I'll take that as a yes."

I sat on the bed and waited for Matt to come out. "Not gonna lie, you kinda take the amount of time a girl would take to get ready." I told him as we were walking out the door. He interlaced his fingers with my own. "Then how come you don't take so fucking long to get ready and still end up looking beautiful?" He asked.

I smiled. "Because 1. I'm just naturally pretty." I said as I dramatically flipped my hair with my other hand. "And 2. I have my priorities straight." I continued. He laughed.

We walked out of the hotel. "So where are you taking me?" I questioned him. "I was thinking breakfast." He said. I smiled. "Food sounds fucking amazing right now." I said honestly. He laughed and we found this little café type of place.

We ordered and we talked as we ate. "So, we have a deal. We get to know each other." He started. "Yes we do." I agreed. "Okay then we ask questions." He said. I nodded.

"Middle name?" He asked. "I feel like we've had this conversation before." I said. He shrugged. "Anyway, my middle name is Marie. Delilah Marie Ross...well Sanders, that is if I do decide to take your last name and if this works out." I stated.

He laughed. "Mines Charles." He stated. "Makes you sound like your British." I smiled. I swear we've had this conversation before, it feels familiar.

He laughed again. "Mathew Charles Sanders, is definitely a British person." I continued. "Hey, I could make fun of you too." He said. I put my hands up defensively. "Hey, British people are hot." I said seriously.

"Is this you calling me hot?" He smirked. I smiled. "Maybe." He smiled at me. "Favorite color?" I asked him. He smiled. "Easy. Red." I looked at him. "That's my favorite color as well." I told him.

So far we had a few things in common. "I'd say our music tastes are the same." He said. I nodded. "Definitely." I sat there thinking of more questions to ask. "Birthday?" He asked me before I could think of another question.

"April 16th, 1989." I said to him. "July 31, 1981." He answered back. There's about an eight year age gap between us, but it didn't bother me. The whole band still acts like they're teenagers most of the time.

We continued to get to know each other as we continued breakfast.

When we were done Matt paid despite me trying too. We walked down the street. "We have to get to the venue." I told him as I checked the time. "I have another question." He asked me as we walked.

"If the fans ask, what do I call you? I know they aren't the type of people to shit on somebody for being with me, but those who do, are shitty. I don't know what to address you as. If I said wife, they'd be confused." He ranted.

I thought for a minute. "Maybe try girlfriend?" I questioned. He nodded. "So that makes me?" He questioned. "Oh my god your a girl." I laughed. "That would make you my boyfriend Matt." I said.

You Can Only Love Someone So Far//Avenged Sevenfold •M.Shadows•Where stories live. Discover now