One More Stop

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It's been a few weeks and we were in the final city before we go home. Our last stop. My bruises were starting to fade, but they were still very much there.

The first show that the guys had with me back, was great. The fans were glad I was okay.

We were staying in a hotel. Matt and I were in our room. We were getting ready for the guys show tonight. I was in the bathroom putting mascara on, wincing every time my fingers brushed over my face too hard.

"Are you okay?" Matt asked me as I saw him through the mirror, walking into the bathroom. "Yes." I said. Truthfully, I was okay...minus the nightmares. I kept those from Matt. I didn't want him to worry.

I continued to do my mascara as delicately as I could as I felt Matt wrap his arms around my waist. I stared at his face in the mirror. He looked at me.

"I hate that he did this to you." He said softly as I watched as his eyes danced across the mirror, landing on the various bruises that were still there despite them fading. I looked at his eyes.

"It's okay." I said as I closed the tube of mascara and put it down. I turned around to face him, his arms still around my waist. "He stared into my eyes. "It's not." He said back.

I nodded. "I know...when do you want to have our wedding?" I questioned, changing the subject as I pulled away from him and walked back into the room.

He followed me. "Well it's almost April." He said to me. Not bothering to change the subject back. I loved him for that. "Then May. That gives us enough time to actually plan it." I told him.

He smiled. "Whatever you want." He said to me. I smiled back and grabbed my camera. "You ready to leave?" I asked him. He nodded and grabbed my hand as we both walked out of the hotel room and to the venue.

As the guys did soundcheck, I did what I normally did, I stood in the empty pit and took their pictures, eventually they were done and we all walked to their dressing room.

"I can't wait to be home." Jimmy said. "Are there ducks missing your presence back in Huntington?" I asked him jokingly. He nodded in all seriousness as he spoke. "Stallion Ducks, for your information." I laughed at that.

"Have you guys decided on if your having a wedding or not?" Lacey asked Matt and I. He and I nodded. "We're having one and it's happening in May." I told them. Matt smiled and nodded.

"Maybe one you can take notes." Gena joke to Zacky and Johnny. They both put their hand up defensively. I laughed at that.

Eventually it came time for their show and I followed them, except I wasn't going onstage, I was walking to stand between the barricade. Matt grabbing my hand and making me stop.

I turned around and looked at him, he was smiling that dimpled smile that nearly killed me every time it came over his face.

"Yes?" I questioned him. He didn't say anything, all he did was lean in and kiss me. "You're staying on stage tonight." He told me. When he broke away from my lips.

I smiled and looked at him. "And why is that?" I asked. I really didn't have a problem with it, I just wanted to know.

"Because I love you and you'll be closer to me that way, which means I could always steal a kiss or two if I wanted to." He said. I nodded as I continued smiling.

Matt still held my hand as he and I started walking to the stage. I stood in the side with Lacey and Gena, Matt kissed me before he walked on.

The concert then started. I of course still had to do my duty as photographer and take pictures of the guys and the crowd as they performed.

And as I was doing so, Matt would in fact come over to where I was standing every so often and kiss me. Sometimes throughout the show I'd walk across the stage to get different angles and I'd communicate with Johnny, Zacky, and Syn through funny faces or dances as I did so.

The concert ended with the guys thanking the fans and giving some props to me. Then we headed back to the hotel.

We were all walking back to the hotel, Matt had a sweaty arm slang over my shoulders. I'd make him take a shower. "I can't believe tours ending tomorrow." Johnny said.

"I know, it feels like it shouldn't be over." I told them. "We'll get another chance to tour the U.S. again, I know it." Brian said. "Maybe next time it will be a world tour." I told them all. "Most definitely." Lacey said.

As we entered he hotel, we all went our separate ways. Matt opened our door and let me inside first. I put my camera on the nightstand and sighed. "How are you?" Matt asked. I shrugged and as I yawned.

"Tired and my face hurts." I told him as I started getting pajamas out of my suitcase. Matt walked over to me and tried to hug me. "Oh, no, I don't think so. You're sweaty and stink." I told him as I put my hands on his chest gently and pushed myself away from him.

He laughed and told me he was taking a shower. I nodded and changed and got into bed. I'd take a shower tomorrow before we leave. I was tired, and I assumed it was the after effects of what Anthony did.

As soon as my head was on the pillow, I was out, hoping a didn't get any nightmares. They were progressively getting worse, but they were manageable to a point where I was the only one who knew about them.

I fell asleep instantly. Goodbye to tour.

You Can Only Love Someone So Far//Avenged Sevenfold •M.Shadows•Where stories live. Discover now