Nothing's Fine, Alright, The Love of My Fucking Life is Missing!

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(Matt's pov)

A Place of hope and no pain,
perfect skies with no rain


It was later in that night after our show. The fans were really amazing and understood if we were to cancel any shows. I appreciated them for that.

We were all walking back to the bus. I hoped there was something good about Delilah. The police officer who stayed with us at the venue held me back and said he wanted to talk to me. I nodded and the rest of them entered the bus.

I hoped like hell it was good news. "Mr. Sanders, sir, Do you know anyone named Anthony Santin?" He asked me. I shook my head, but I knew of an Anthony.

"I know of an Anthony. He's Delilah's abusive piece of shit exe boyfriend." I told him. Other than that though that's all I knew. "He's wanted for several different crimes, including the kidnapping of your girlf-wife. We've located his adress, we're hoping he has her there or somewhere around here." He explained.

I nodded. At least it was a start. He said he'd let me know if they found him and found Delilah. I nodded again and he left. I then entered the bus.

As I entered the bus, all eyes were on me. "Any news about Delilah?" Johnny asked. I nodded. "...good or bad news?" Gena asked me. I shrugged my shoulders. "I honestly don't know, but they know who fucking took her." I told them.

"Who?" Brian asked. "Anthony." I said flatly. I was sad and fucking worried about Delilah. And I was pissed off that this guy thought Delilah was just someone or something that he could take. She's a fucking person.

If I ever saw him I for sure would beat the shit out of him. "Anthony?!" Lacey yelled surprised. I looked at her. "You know him?" I questioned. She shook her head. "Oh my fucking god." Lacey said as she crumbled back to the couch, tears in her eyes.

"We're missing something, aren't we. Something that Delilah told you two." Johnny stated. Gena nodded. "You might want to sit down." Lacey said to me.

I did and I sat down next to Jimmy. She then explained everything she knew about Anthony. I knew most of it. Delilah told me a few weeks ago. Then Lacey told me something that I didn't know. I wanted to fucking puke.

I felt the tears building up in my eyes. I looked at the guys. They all had pained expressions. That guy is a real peace of shit.

I couldn't image doing that shit to Delilah, or anyone for that matter. That's why Delilah thought she was preg-oh my god. Oh my fucking god.

Before I could leave the bus or go to my bunk, I fucking broke down right then and there. I didn't give a shit. People cry, it's not the end of the goddamn world.

I felt Jimmy wrap and arm around my shoulders. "Everything will okay." I heard Zacky say. That made me snap out of anger, worry, and sadness. "Nothings fine, alight, the love of my fucking life is missing!" I yelled at him.

I shook my head. "Fuck, Zack, I'm sorry." Zacky shook his head. "You have every right to be mad, man." He responded. I hope to god that Delilah comes back to me.

(End of Matt's pov)

This peace of earths not right,
no pain or sign of time


I felt like shit. I could barely feel my face anymore. It hurt and I could feel the dried blood from my nose and mouth. It didn't end there though. My whole body hurt. My arms, my legs, my head, my face, my wrists, my stomach.

At this point I wanted death. I rather be dead then go through all of this fucking shit. But I had to stay awake and alive. I couldn't leave this world not seeing the guys and the girls again...not seeing Matt.

Fuck, I hope they were doing everything they could to find me. I was on the verge of passing out again when I heard the door that was behind me open. I closed my eyes. Waiting for the punches, whatever it may be.

Instead I heard something being dragged against the floor with a screeching noise. I slowly looked up and focused my vision, almost failing to do so.

My vision focused and I looked up. Sitting a few feet away from me in a chair similar to the one I was tied to sat Anthony.

He met my eyes and I instantly looked away. "C'mon, don't be that way." He said. I rolled my eyes as I stared at my lap. "I just...I want to know how you were, how you are." He said.

"I was doing just fine until you fucking showed up." I admitted. I wanted him to know that I fucking hated him. "I thought you loved me." He said. I shook my head, or attempted to, it really fucking hurt.

"I do not, and I haven't. Not since I found out what kind of horrible person you really are." Someone had to get it through his head. "C'mon, we can be together again!" He said like a fucking psychopath.

I shook my head. "We really can't, and even if I could I would never go back to your abusive ass." I croaked. I don't know how long I was here for.

"How come? What's holding you back?" He asked. I then took what strength I had and looked dead in his fucking eyes. "I'm fucking married, that's why." I told him. I watched as his fucked up smile dropped and he quickly became pissed off and got out of his chair.

He then started walking over to me. Here comes more pain. I felt tears fill my eyes even before he did anything. I was really starting to worry that I would never see Matt again, and that fucking scared me.

Matt's not the one missing in this situation, I was. But Jesus fuck nothing is alright, the love of my fucking life is missing from me. We were missing from each other. I closed my eyes and tears rolled off my eyelashes and onto my cheeks.

I don't belong here,
we gotta move on dear

I couldn't hold on anymore...

(I'm writing as fast as I can but I start school the 16th and my anxiety is a bitch, mental health has not been the best, and haven't slept in 3 days straight, I apologize, but I'm surviving. I hope you enjoy :)

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