You're Not Acting Tough, You're Just Acting Like a Dick

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We were still at my house, for whatever reason. "Do you want any help unpacking?" Synyster asked, pointing to the different boxes littered throughout the house.

I'm actually glad he offered, ain't no way in hell I was doing all this by myself. "Honestly, yes. There was no way in hell I was doing all this by my fucking self." I answered. "Of course, we are your friends now, but I make no promises on stealing your soul." Jimmy said.

"Then Jesus fucking Christ, lord help me." I said. They all laughed, apart from Matt. I rolled my eyes. We might have gotten off on the wrong foot for that joke I made about his sunglasses, but at least I apologized. I could already tell we hated each other and would continue to hate each other.

Brian was in the kitchen unpacking stuff, Zacky was in the living room, Johnny and Jimmy were in my room. I trusted them. Apart from the song Jimmy wrote about murder and necrophilia, he had this vibe about him that gave off the energy that he wouldn't do anything weird. And Johnny was a bass player, I praised him.

Matt of course, wasn't doing shit. He just stood there in the kitchen and talked to Brian about random shit. I rolled my eyes from my spot in the living room floor.

I was in the middle of unpacking one of my guitars. It was my moms and I was physically going to fight someone if it was damaged in shipping.

I opened it and I smiled. "Thank fucking Christ on a bike." I said. "What is that?" Zacky asked from his place in front of me. I gently picked up the guitar and pulled it out the box and the case.

"My literal child." I said as I showed him the guitar. "Whoa, I didn't  know you played."Synyster said looking at me. I shook my head. "This guitar was my moms, I haven't played in a long fucking time, and I plan on keeping it that way." I said.

I heard Matt scoff. I was really tired of his shit. If he has a problem he can say it to my face. I sat the guitar down and stood up. I looked at him. "And what the fuck is your problem?" I asked him.

"Oh, we fucking know nothing about you, and you've been a bitch. They should've ran a fucking background check before they hired you." Matt said. "I'm sorry your 'tough guy' ego is fucking getting the best of you. Fucking trust me Matt, you don't want to fuck with me. I don't take shit where it's not needed, does this look like a fucking bathroom to you?" I asked.

He didn't answer, he was quiet. I mean he was already quiet but this was different. The guys were quiet now too. "You may think that your acting tough and all high and mighty, but you're just acting like a fucking dick. You may not have spoken to me or actually acknowledged me, but at least I'm taking time out of my day to talk to you, even though I don't want to." I said.

"Damn." I heard Zacky whisper. I shook my head. "And I know you guys have the ability to fire me, but you can't fucking judge a song by just one guitar chord." I said. That was hypocritical of me, and I knew that, but Matt was really pissing me the fuck off.

"Now Matt, you and the rest of the band is stuck with me for the time being, so would you please chip in and unpack the bathroom? That, is where your bullshit is needed." I said. Synsyter and Zacky had shocked expressions and then they just started laughing. "I like her." Jimmy said as he and Johnny came down the stairs.

I shrugged. "I just say shit how it is, so how was unpacking my room?" I asked them."We were actually very respectful." Johnny said. I chuckled a little. "I'll take your word for it." I told him.

It soon became night and all my shit was put away and to my surprise, Matt actually did help unpack the bathroom. "So, what brings you to Huntington Beach?" Synyster asked me. I looked at him. "This job, why else?" I asked him.

"You just got here today and you applied for the job 2 days looks like you were eager to leave wherever you were before coming here." Zacky said. I nodded. "Seattle, Washington. As far as I'm concerned, is behind me, and I'm fucking fine with that." I said.

They didn't ask me too many questions. They understood the need for privacy and respected that. "So how'd you get into photography?" Johnny asked me.

I hated talking about my past. There was a lot of shit that went down and things I didn't want to think or talk about ever again, but life has a funny way of somehow rehashing shitty events from the past.

"My dad. Growing up he wanted me to have a hobby to keep my mind off of him never being home because he was in the military. One day, he just, came home with a camera and I took a few silly pictures and now I'm here." I explained.

"That's cool." Jimmy said. I nodded. I missed my dad. "Do you play any instruments?" Zacky asked me. I nodded. "You know I play guitar, but I also play bass." I told them. "You keep getting better and better." Brian said with a smile, Matt scoffed from beside him.

I laughed. "Like I said earlier, I do not need divorced again, and as for you, Matt, stop scoffing at random things I say. I'd do it to you, but you don't fucking say anything." I told him. He just shook his head and looked pisses off.

"Fine then, how did you fucking get into playing bass and guitar?" He asked. I looked at him. "My mom was a music teacher, she had a love for music." I told him.

"That's actually cool." Johnny said. I nodded. They asked a few more questions and then Brian mentioned ordering pizza and getting beer. "I'm okay with the pizza, you can get beer if you want, but I don't drink." I told them.

"Ever? Have you ever drank?" Jimmy asked. I nodded. "I've drank enough in this life, trust me and I'm not 21." I told him even though being underaged hasn't kept me from drinking before. They left it at that and Brian ordered pizza and Johnny went to get beer.

Johnny eventually came back and the pizza eventually arrived.I paid for it, despite Gates literally trying to fight me to pay for it.

We sat there, the guys goofing off, Matt actually seemed to ease up when they all started goofing off. And when I mean ease up, he was talking and goofing off with the guys, still not talking to or acknowledging me. He did though, end up taking his sunglasses off.

At least he didn't look like a douche bag anymore, but he still acted like a dick, towards me anyway. Fucking great.

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