Delilah Sanders

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The weeks leading up to this day were hectic as hell. Today was Matt and I's wedding. Last night I stayed with Gena and Lacey at Johnny and Lacey's place.

Currently Lacey, Gena, and myself were in a room of the building where the pavilion was. I was getting ready. They were already in their bridesmaids dresses.

I had already gotten my hair and makeup done, curtesy of Lacey and Gena of course. They were helping me get my dress on. Which surprisingly, still fit. You could 100% tell I was pregnant now.

I had small bump, but it was definitely there. The dress was completely on me now. And it fit perfectly, despite my stomach. "I'm actually surprised that it still fucking fit." I laughed as I put my hand on my stomach.

"How far along are you?" Lacey asked as she put my veil in my hair. I smiled. "A month, almost two." I said. "Were gonna be the best aunts this kid can get." Gena laughed.

I looked at them and decided I'd tell them what it was. A few days before the wedding I had a doctors appointment and Matt was working in the studio, so I went by myself, which I was fine with.

The doctor told me that I could find out what gender it was so I opted to be told. I looked between them and smiled. "You guys are going to be the best aunts to this baby girl, I just know it." I said as a big smile played on my lips.

Their eyes went wide. "Girl!" They both said. I nodded and they hugged me. I figured I'd tell Matt in my vows.

Before I knew it, Gena was putting my bouquet in my hands and there was a knock at the door. Lacey cautiously opened it, hoping it wasn't Matt.

She opened the door all the way when she realized it wasn't him. It was Jimmy. I smiled.

When the girls and I were planning the wedding I decided that Jimmy was gunna be the one to walk me down the isle because my dad wasn't here. Jimmy was my best friend and was close to all of us.

"You ready Del Del?" He asked. I smiled and walked over to him. "Definitely."

We started making our way out of the building and to the pavilion. Jimmy gave me his arm and we started walking down the isle. As soon I saw Matt, I smiled. He in-fact did not look bad in a suit.

When Jimmy handed me off, Matt grabbed my hands and smiled. I of course still wearing my smile. I looked out into the crowd. I saw people I didn't know that well.

For example, Matt's parents, a few of his other family members. Several of the guys' friends I've never met before, and what caught my eye were two women. They looked the same. I mean like twins.

I'd figured I'd ask Matt about them later. The wedding then started. It started out with traditional wedding vows and then we both said our own.

Matt went first. "I love you so much it's really hard to describe how much I love you. I know when we first met we hated each other, or maybe we thought we did. But that doesn't matter. What matters now is that we're together and I'm looking forward to starting a family with you and being there for our baby. I love the both of you so much and I can't wait to see what life brings us. No matter what shit we end up going through along the way." He said with a smile.

I then went. "We did hate each other. But now we love each other probably more than either of us know. When I think and here the name Mathew Charles Sanders, I think of that dimpled smiled, the way you care about people, the way you are yourself, and the way you'd do anything for me and our friends if you needed too. Love is weird but weird in all the right ways. You can only love someone so far, but the farthest I love you is forever. Which is why I can't wait to raise our future kids together and I know that your going to be a great dad for our baby girl." I finished, looking at him.

You Can Only Love Someone So Far//Avenged Sevenfold •M.Shadows•Where stories live. Discover now